We produce a JRPG focused podcast and are looking to branch out a little bit. For example some YouTube videos or Live Streaming. If you enjoy our content and would like to support us, subscribing here would be your best option!
This Subscribe Star is here for anyone who enjoys my content and wants to support me do what I do.A donation of any size will help me continue to create content, get better equipment, and quite frankly keep the lights on!
Minden ami The Division - Magyarul! Infók, tippek és trükkök, leírások, történetek, lore, bemutatások, pve-, pvp szettek, SOTG, Patch Notes, live streamek, build és guide videók, érdekességek és minden más magyarul!
SubscribeStar will be used as a Substitute for people who wish to subscribe to me on Twitch; But can't, because I do not wish to affiliate with Twitch . Subscriptions are not mandatory in any way whatsoever and never will be. However I will always truly appreciate any support given to me, as it all helps go towards making my content better.
I'm a variety streamer, playing several games for my own entertainment and hopefully yours as well. I've grown up with a love for watching anime, and playing many video, card, tabletop games and more. I hope that one day I can become a voice actor.
With over 30 years experience in film and television I hope to share many of my personal project with your help. Not just sharing my ideas but hopefully collaborating with you as well as voting on which project you'd like to see next http://www.youtube.com/flcamera
I'm a Twitch streamer and YouTube creator who plays games and talks an awful lot, also occasionally voice acts. Also fortnightly exclusive SubscribeStar LP's, game chosen by the community!
Streamuji hru Star Citizen , většinou hraji bez komentáře, ale můžete se mě zeptat, rád vám všem odpovím.https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-V9XR-LJ3F , #StarCitizen
Nouveau-retro content creator who wants to take you back to the future that never was. Visit https://linktr.ee/krynd42 to view all of my social media accounts, streaming platforms, and alternate support pages on one page.
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