Rukkard profile
Twitch variety streamer from Romania. I play all kinds of games, but I mainly focus on action games, like DMC, or on RPGs, like Gothic. What can you expect from my streams? Interesting games, above average gameplay, humor, a russian accent and flexing.

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Super Saiyan

The first level of power and the best way to build up an army.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Super Saiyan God

Ascend to godhood with this new level of power.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Super Saiyan Blue

Ascending was not enough...the added power of super saiyan to godhood.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Ultra Instinct Omen

Only the truly gifted may taste the greatness.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Ultra Instinct Mastered

This level of power and perfection, far beyond that of even gods, is reserved for the gifted and talented. This level is reserved for those who know no bounds.

0 subscribers


  • Access to my Discord server, with a special role.
  • Advice with fitness and nutrition (only advice, i'm not a certified specialist).
  • VIP on my Twitch channel.

Předplatné vám poskytuje:
  • Přístup k obsahu profilu Star.
  • Schopnost podpořit vaši hvězdu přispěním-jednorázovým nebo opakovaným.
  • Znamená oslovit hvězdu přímo pomocí Instant Messengeru.
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