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I am The Crusader Gal. Your donations make it possible for me to continue producing videos regularly. Together, we can attempt to change the course of the culture. For one-time donations, please use "tip". For monthly donations and to become a V.I.P. member, please use "subscribe". Thank you!
I talk about a myriad of topics related to philosophy, relationships and literature. My goal is to incorporate the most relevant research and my personal experience to provide you with an honest and authentic perspective. Find my videos at
I FIRMLY stand on my first amendment rights as an american citizen ! I will discuss my life and all that intrigues me and hopefully it will Put Something On Your Mind #FlyFree #BecauseItsAPrivilege
We produce podcasting content that is outside of the realm of your everyday political, societal, and cultural norms. We are a well researched team, dedicated to bringing people the real truth of today's world.
We will keep people up to date on all shows related to The CMS Podcast Network and it's shows. Exclusive content for subscribers will be posted from shows from time to time.
My name is Clark and I run The Acumen Report. I deliver local national and geopolitical news, bringing you the real news while exposing the fake news. You can find me on most platforms under the name of The Acumen Report. Thank you Clark
Scrivener of obscure histories. Currently working on my second book about GamerGate, this time a book of interviews with people involved on both sides. I also create political and gaming content from time to time.
Life's Short Live Free is a weekly podcast about everything pertaining to Freedom. We talk about anything from shooting, training and gear, to whiskey, cars, hunting, flamethrowers, current events and whatever else trips our Freedom trigger!
Access to an exclusive fan and friends of the show chat on Telegram and/or Discord. WAV files or any other format for any remix or live performance upon request.
I'm producing electronic music with bits of noise, glitch, IDM and industrial - recording as "Fake Plastic Heads" for many years now. You can find my music on Spotify.
I'll be publishing exclusive footage (songs, song ideas, visual art, music videos, old recordings).
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