
JAGIELSKI is creating videos and comics!
6 days
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0 posts
Jody Bruchon
I like to help people become better in every way I can. I do this through my videos, my software, and my essays online.
Valeyard Film Archives
VFA has 7 years of experience working to archive and preserve culturally significant film. We mutually assist others, and work alongside professionals. Our new website is under construction:
11 subscribers
0 posts
Metro DSM Elevator Photography
Creating elevator and escalator videos since 2019.
Reviews of high end audio gear, and audio science explanations
6 subscribers
48 posts
Hi I'm Tim; otherwise known as the Film Adventurer Timdiana. I'm independent movie journalist and I express my passion about film through the likes of reviews and videos.
Agent Juice Cartoons
I create cartoons and content about cartoons. If cartoons are your jam, then come along with me!
Josh's Epic Israel Walk
Join Professional Tour Guide Josh Levinson as he creates the most comprehensive tour of Israel ever attempted on video.
The Richter
I am a musician, music producer, artist/cartoonist and video content creator. My interests of styles vary but my focus is mainly on music, art and video content.
1 subscriber
4 posts
0 posts
Gaming streams, commentary, and videos.
I am a single dad who creates art films, video art, and music here in Ottawa, Canada, and am working towards making these activities my full-time vocation and primary household revenue stream.
18 posts
Enjoy my satire view on current events affecting our everyday human life.Feel free to support me if you'd like.Peace, Love, & Freedom to All !
37 posts
A creator interested in producing works around the subject of Anime. Whether it be through podcasts, video content and illustrations.
30 days
 Trust Period
4 posts
Ribalinux is creating Linux and freeBSD How to Videos
721 posts
We are an independent media company founded by a small team of professional filmmakers. No gimmicks. No clickbait. No agenda. We want to create content that's worth watching.
Animator, Artist, Musician, Writer.
With over 30 years experience in film and television I hope to share many of my personal project with your help. Not just sharing my ideas but hopefully collaborating with you as well as voting on which project you'd like to see next
Cameron McKirdy
Artist from Oregon. First Certified Male Pro Cuddler. Active YouTuber, and blogger for Survival Bros.
Stronz Vanderploeg
I'm an independent filmmaker and content creator who loves cameras, lenses, lights and basically every kind of film gear.
0 posts
I aspire to create videos that collectively immortalize the enduring pioneer spirit of rural Idaho by providing a snapshot of the life that I lead here.
1 subscriber
107 posts
Wyatt Shark
Comedist and Podcast Host making videos, Podcasts, etc to keep you entertained.
Hey and welcome! This is Vidtii! We make all kinds of cool and trippy vhs stock footage for you to use for free! All you gotta do is give a little credit. And with your help we would like to keep on doing it!
Warlord's World
Warlord's World is a YouTube channel creating videos about worldbuilding and character design.
S. C. Coleman (Author)
Hello, if you are already familiar with the work of S. C. Coleman, or new to the things that I post; expect a wide array of topics to be published.
Ethos Ananda Wisdom
Ancient Wisdom for Modern People. Practical wisdom is the foundation, and ceiling, of our lives. The apex of Western philosophy and Eastern wisdom is what we offer here. Ethos from Aristotle, and Ananda of Krishna!
The Human Observer Podcast
We are two friends who podcast about interesting subject matter from the perspective of two mates at a BBQ over a beer! Interesting times ensue!
Educating Beyond Borders
Educational content about education: Podcast, newsletters, reports, white papers, articles, ondemand education videos, online access to education conferences and VIP access to ask our team of experts your questions.
30 days
 Trust Period
1 post
Jason O'Dea
I live and breath music. If you enjoy my work as an artist, whether that be my performances, recordings, songwriting or teaching, this page is for anyone who wants to support my passion for spreading the language of sound.
Dreamland Alchemy – A Soul's Journey
I love to share virtual worlds and other forms of digital world creations. Exploring creations that make our senses awake to a world of their own.
364 posts

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