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John Michael Greer
Political astrology using mundane ingress charts

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Thema Mundi Return 2024

Copyright © John Michael Greer 2024. All rights reserved.
Last year around this time I attempted an experiment in mundane astrology: a solar return based on the Thema Mundi, the traditional natal chart of the world itself, as set out in the writings of Roman astrologer Julius Firmicius Maternus. Solar returns are commonly used in natal astrology as a convenient way of predicting the coming year in someone’s life: a chart is cast for the moment when the Sun returns to its natal position, and the chart interpreted in terms of the house placements of the planets and the aspects made from positions in the return chart to positions in the natal chart.  Solar returns work quite well in that context, so it seemed worth seeing if the same logic could be applied to mundane astrology. 
That earlier chart worked tolerably well as a way of predicting the trends of a troubled year. With that in mind, it’s time for another voyage into a realm of uncharted stars. I’ve cast and delineated a chart for the 2024 Thema Mundi return. As before, I cast it for Washington DC and the exact moment of the Sun’s arrival at 15° Leo. Why Washington DC? Because in classic mundane astrology, the kind I practice, you cast a chart for the national capital to find out what will happen to your country. I encourage readers who live outside the US to do the same thing with their own national capitals as the place, and see what they get. 
Executive Summary:  This is a very troubling chart, with one of the classic signals of potential war flashing a red light, and a T square aspect pattern indicating severe collective tensions rising toward an explosion. Foreign crises will absorb nearly all the attention of the political establishment, the media, and the celebrity class, while major problems domestically are allowed to spiral out of control. On the upside, economic volatility is in the cards but there are no indications of a major recession or depression, and the dollar shows no signs of losing its reserve currency status completely over the next year. That said, sudden shifts, dramatic events, and abrupt reversals can be expected during the period when this chart is effective. 
Period of Ingress:  This chart is effective from August 6, 2024 until August 7, 2025, when the Sun again returns to 15° Leo. (Next year’s Thema Mundi return will be a wowser, by the way; it takes place when the epochal conjunction between Saturn and Neptune is just a few minutes of arc from perfection in 0° Aries, marking the end of one world-age and the beginning of another, and Mars at 0° Libra is in exact opposition to both. When that arrives, hang onto your hats.) 
Ruling Planet:  Aquarius rises in this chart, and so its ruling planet Uranus is the chart ruler. Uranus has been an abundant source of problems and crises during his transit of Taurus, the sign of his fall, and as ruler of this chart he predicts a rough road ahead for the world, and especially for the United States. While strongly debilitated by his zodiacal placement, and weakened further by placement in the cadent 3rd house, Uranus’s only aspect in this chart is a sextile with Neptune; in mundane astrology this is an indication of reforms in the political sphere, and is also favorable for occultism, astrology, and alternative spiritualities. It is therefore likely that the drastic changes in wait in the year ahead will encourage political reforms, and that occult traditions and minority religions will receive more positive attention in the year ahead. 
Sun and Moon: The Sun represents the head of government. As of this writing, at least in theory, this is still Joe Biden, but since he has announced that he will not seek reelection—and it is by no means certain that he is actually participating in the process of governing the country at this point—it is probably safest to take the Sun as a label for the office of the presidency rather than for any one person. The Sun’s zodiacal position is not interpreted in this chart, since it is defined by the type of chart itself, but his house and aspects are relevant, and in this chart they are remarkable.  
The Sun is twelve minutes of arc from perfecting a conjunction with the 7th house cusp, so—although he is on the 6th house side of the line—he is very nearly as angular as a planet can be, and receives great strength from this. This also indicates that during the year that began on August 6, the one great concern of the US executive will be foreign policy. With three other planets located in the 7th house of foreign affairs, and one of them involved in a potent and difficult aspect pattern we’ll discuss in due time, there will be very good reason for this fixation.
The Sun’s aspects in this chart are a sextile with Jupiter in the 4th, a very important source of strength, and a sesquisquare with Neptune in the 1st, a minor but significant debility.  Sun sextile Jupiter is favorable for prosperity and wealth, and coming from the 4th—the house of agiculture and resource industries—it suggests that increased prosperity in the rural hinterlands and the resource sector may help the presidency with its current popularity problems. Sun sesquisquare Neptune in the 1st, by contrast, warns of waning popularity with the general public, and a cascade of problems, none of them necessarily major, but all of them adding to the difficulties faced by the government. 
The Moon represents the general public, and more particularly that sector of the public that has the capacity to make its voice heard in political and cultural affairs.  In this chart the Moon receives minor dignity from her placement in her night triplicity in Virgo, and rather more strength from her place in the angular 7th house, but her aspects are best described as grim. In particular, she is in a square with Mars in the 4th. Since both planets are angular in this chart this traditionally indicates a serious risk of war.  With the Moon intercepted in Virgo, any fighting that does break out will be limited, but that same interception warns that the capacity of the US to intervene militarily overseas may be more limited than most people realize. Given the other aspects in play, it is not impossible that armed intervention will result in an American defeat. 
Even more explosive than the Moon-Mars square is a T square aspect pattern: a Moon-Saturn opposition with both sides of the opposition in square with Jupiter in the 4th. T squares in mundane astrology are reliable harbingers of troubled times, indicating a crescendo of tensions that will eventually seek explosive release.  The particular troubles they bring can be anticipated from the planets involved in them and the houses in which the three points of the T square are placed; the release of the tension will go toward the missing fourth point of the cross. 
In this case we have the Moon, significator of the political class, intercepted in Virgo in the 7th house of foreign policy, while conservative Saturn is similarly intercepted in Pisces in the 1st house. Hostile aspects between the Moon and Saturn warn of economic trouble, unemployment, poverty, and disorder and disruption in the normal working of government. Back of these is one of the enduring strains of American public life, the struggle between a coastal political class obsessed with events abroad and the bulk of the population, which insists on putting domestic issues first and refusing foreign entanglements. 
With both these planets intercepted, these viewpoints will be even narrower and more intransigent than usual, and they will also likely be held primarily by small but loud sectors of the public. Nonetheless their conflict will be an inescapable part of American public life over the next year, and it will be resolved by dramatic changes in American political life.  Jupiter, who holds the balance between the two ends of the T square, is placed in the 4th house of the hinterlands and the political opposition; the point of discharge for the T square’s energy is opposite Jupiter in the 10th house of the executive branch; and Jupiter rules both the 10th and 11th house cusps. Stay tuned for dramatic political events. 
The Economic Hemisphere: 
1st House: the house of the ordinary people of the nation, and in particular those whose voices aren’t normally heard in the collective discourse of the time has Aquarius on its cusp and Uranus is its ruler.  Uranus has been a reliable source of crises and troubles for several years now as he transits Taurus, the sign of his fall, and this particular tiger has not yet changed his stripes; he is in the 3rd house of communications and technology, bringing his disruptive influence to bear on that part of American public life. An afflicted Uranus ruling the 1st warns of popular discontent, turbulence, lawlessness, and rebellion, and it brings misfortune to government.
Saturn and Neptune, both strong malefics in mundane astrology, are also placed in this house. Saturn is in very nearly the worst possible condition he can be: peregrine in Pisces, retrograde, intercepted, and afflicted by the other two planets forming the T square; he has no favorable factors whatsoever. Expect economic trouble, poverty, discontent, lawlessness, and crime, as well as widespread opposition to government regulations and legislation.  Neptune is in less ghastly shape, being in his rulership in Pisces and supported by a sextile with Uranus, but he is also retrograde and afflicted by a sesquisquare with the Sun; in this condition he makes popular interests and the condition of ordinary Americans central to the national conversation, and drives fluctuation and uncertainty in political affairs. 
2nd House: the house of the national economy, trade, and banking has Aries on its cusp and Mars for its ruler. Mars in this chart is in mixed but mostly favorable condition, conjunct Jupiter, in an angular house, and receiving a minor dignity from his place in the second face of Gemini, though he is also on the receiving end of a square with the Moon.  Mars is always an awkward fit as the 2nd house ruler; government expenditures will be excessive, taxes are likely to increase, and volatility in markets and economic statistics generally can be expected. Defense industries are likely to prosper, however, and important changes can be expected. 
3rd House: the house of transport, communication, and the media has Taurus on its cusp and Venus therefore rules it. Venus in this chart is in decidedly mixed condition; she is in her fall in Virgo, and intercepted in that sign as well, but angular and in a close applying conjunction with Mercury, who is the natural ruler of the 3rd house. Industries in 3rd house sectors can expect a mixed time of it this year, with core weaknesses balanced against favorable circumstances. Since Venus also rules the 8th house of foreign investment and trade, expect money from overseas to strengthen this part of the US economy among others. 
Uranus is placed in this house, in his fall in Taurus but not otherwise afflicted, and strengthened by the sextile with Neptune mentioned earlier. Expect to see at least one major media company change direction suddenly to produce content more in line with the interests of the general public (Neptune in the 1st), and particularly the religious sector of the public (Neptune intercepted in Pisces, the natural sign of Christianity). 
4th House: the house of agriculture, mining, and other resource extraction industries, as well as the rural regions of the nation, has Gemini on its cusp and Mercury for its ruler. Mercury is in an interesting and rather complex condition in this chart; he is exalted in Virgo, placed in an angular sign, and strengthened by a close applying conjunction with the benefic planet Venus, but retrograde and intercepted. All this promises improved conditions in 4th house matters, but restricted in scope—for example, fossil fuel industries might boom while the agricultural sector remains in the doldrums, or vice versa. With Mercury retrograde, a return to earlier conditions or procedures may also be involved. 
Mars and Jupiter are in conjunction in this house. Mars in the 4th indicates unrest and discontent in the hinterlands, with violence a serious possibility; it also warns of drought and poor harvests. Jupiter is normally an extremely favorable indication in this house, but in this chart he is badly afflicted; he is the middle factor in the T-square that dominates this chart, and he is also in his detriment in Gemini and afflicted by an applying conjunction with Mars, though he receives help from a sextile with the Sun. Extravagant government support in response to troubled conditions in the farm belt is one way that this could play out. 
The 4th house is also the house of the party out of power. With Mercury well dignified but retrograde and intercepted ruling this house, Mars and Jupiter placed in it, and the T square centered in it and discharging into the 10th house of politics, this suggests significant but not overwhelming gains by the Republicans this year, setting the stage for a major sea change in US politics in the years immediately ahead. That said, this is only one of several charts that apply to the upcoming election and all of them need to be correlated in order to get a sense of the trends at work as this highly contentious election season moves toward its end. 
5th House: the house of speculative ventures, the rich and famous, and the entertainment industry, this also has Gemini on its cusp and Mercury for its ruler.  With Mercury in the state already discussed, speculative markets will be challenging, with some ventures (especially but not only) in the tech sector outperforming others, and entertainment companies that break with the status quo likely to do well. 
6th house: the house of public health, the work force, and the military has Cancer on the cusp and the Moon for its ruler. With the Moon afflicted by powerful aspects and insufficiently strengthened by night triplicity and angular house placement to overcome this, expect a very rough time for all 6th house interests. Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn all afflicting the Moon suggest a cascade of troubles for public health in particular, and for the condition of the laboring classes in general. The Sun, placed very late in this house in sextile with Jupiter, suggests new funding for the military and defense industries toward the end of the year, but the sesquisquare between the Sun and Neptune suggests that this may not be as popular a move as politicians think. 
The Political Hemisphere: 
7th house: the house of foreign affairs and the activities of other countries has Leo on the cusp and the Sun, who is also conjunct the cusp, for its ruler. Expect dramatic events and significant policy challenges in foreign affairs, with a leading role going to whoever occupies the White House in Joe Biden’s impending absence.  This placement, however, tends to strengthen the people against the political class, and given the other indications of public dissatisfaction with politicians and the government, the president in question may have to spend quite a bit of time looking nervously back over his or her shoulder to see if the people are following. 
With the Moon, Mercury, and Venus all in this house, and all intercepted in Virgo, it seems likely that one central theme of that dissatisfaction will be the obsessive concern of the political establishment, the media, and the celebrity class with one subset of international affairs, to the neglect of increasingly serious domestic concerns. The three hostile aspects afflicting the Moon leave the political class in particular seriously vulnerable on this front. If the Moon-Mars square does result in a war, as suggested earlier, and if the United States suffers defeat, as the Moon’s other aspects suggest it might, the political class will suffer a body blow from which it may not be able to recover. 
8th house: the house of foreign trade and other nations’ money and resources has Libra on the cusp and Venus for its ruler. Venus ruling this house is a favorable indication, though her intercepted status suggests that foreign trade and investment will be coming from a restricted number of nations—not exactly a surprise at this point, since US sanctions against a growing list of other nations are serving mostly to divide the world into two hostile economic camps. During the year governed by this chart, however, the US will continue to benefit from inflows of foreign money; thus the decline of the dollar as the currency of global exchange will not accelerate into a complete collapse quite yet. 
9th house: the house of the judiciary and of organized religion, this has Scorpio on its cusp and Mars therefore rules it. Despite his square with the Moon, as noted earlier, Mars is tolerably well dignified in this chart, and so the judicial branch and the religious sphere can both be expected to do well. The placement of Mars in the 4th house has two obvious lessons to teach: first, the court cases that matter most will be fought out in state courts rather than in the federal court system; second, the religious denominations that thrive most over the year to come will be traditional in their orientation, and likely well represented in the flyover states. 
10th house: the house of government and the executive branch has Sagittarius on its cusp and Jupiter for its ruler. As noted earlier, Jupiter is in poor condition in this chart; despite angular placement and a sextile with the Sun, he is in his detriment and afflicted by hostile aspects from the Moon, Mars, and Saturn—not an easy burden for any planet to bear. Expect extravagant spending from the federal bureaucracy as its more privileged inmates try to buy the loyalty of populist insurgents while continuing to feather their own nests. With the Moon and Mars both applying hard to their aspects with Jupiter, and Jupiter himself moving step by step closer to his aspect with unyielding Saturn, this is unlikely to work out well for them. 
11th house: the house of the legislative branch, and more specifically of the lower house of the legislature, this also has Sagittarius on its cusp and Jupiter for its lord. The indications here are identical to those affecting the 10th house, not surprisingly; these days, within the Washington DC Beltway, cozily corrupt relationships among members of Congress, senior bureaucrats, and corporate and foreign lobbyists are the norm.  Such arrangements are likely to be the main target when the tensions indicated by the T square resolve. 
12th house: the house of institutions has Capricorn on its cusp and old, cold Saturn rules it. Saturn, as noted earlier in this delineation, is nearly as badly off as a planet can be, and so the nonprofit and nongovernmental organization sector is likely to be kicked in the teeth in the year ahead.  Supported by an increasingly narrow wedge of the general public (Saturn intercepted in the 1st house), hated and despised by the rising populist movement (Saturn square Jupiter in the 4th), and increasingly seen as a disposable commodity by a political class facing serious threats to its own survival (Saturn opposite the Moon in the 7th), the institutional sector is facing a very difficult year with no simple solutions in sight. 
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John Michael Greer
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An Experiment Revisited: Thema Mundi Return 2023

Copyright © John Michael Greer 2024. All rights reserved.
Last year at this time I posted something a little out of the ordinary: a set of predictions of world affairs based on the Sun’s return to its position in the Thema Mundi, the natal chart of the planet itself according to the Roman astrologer Julius Firmicius Maternus. It was a venture into completely unknown territory: to the best of my knowledge, nobody else has considered doing solar return charts based on the Thema Mundi, or at least nobody who’s done so has posted them to a public forum like this one. 
That chart was cast with Washington DC for its location and posted here and here. I said at that time that once the year was over and the Sun had again circled back around to 15° Leo, his traditional placement in the Thema Mundi, we would be able to see how well it worked. The answer? Well, my take is that it worked well enough that I’m preparing a delineation for the Thema Mundi return for 2024. It seems reasonable, though, to go back over the predictions right here in public and see what you think. 
With that said, let’s see how I did. I’ll give my statements in italics and then respond. I have trimmed some of the explanatory verbiage in the interests of conciseness; those who want to make sure I’m not biasing things in my own favor are encouraged to check the original post at the link above. 
With a strong and well-dignified Mars ruling the chart, expect sudden changes affecting governments (Mars in 10th), bringing benefits to the laboring classes, public health, and the military (Mars trine Jupiter in the 6th) and a radical change in foreign policy (Mars trine Uranus in the 7th). 
There were certainly sudden changes affecting governments both here in the US and abroad, with Biden dropping out of the presidential race, Rishi Sunak out as British prime minister, and France’s President Macron floundering in the wake of an election that gave the far right its biggest share ever in the French national legislature. The US military is benefiting from real time data from Ukraine, but the laboring classes and public health haven’t gained much. As for foreign policy, I should have written “foreign affairs”—US policy has remained more or less what it has been, but there have been dramatic shifts in the foreign field, not least in Africa, where the US and its allies have been thrown out of several strategic countries, and the Middle East, where former US ally Saudi Arabia has made peace with Iran and is cozying up to China. 
The Sun represents the head of government—at this point, in the United States, this is still at least notionally President Joe Biden. Since this chart is defined by a particular placement of the Sun, his essential dignity is not considered, but his accidental dignity is nearly as bad as it can be. He is weakened by placement in the cadent 9th house; he is intercepted in Leo; his distant conjunction with a retrograde, peregrine, intercepted, and combust Venus gives him little help, and his only other aspect is a hard square with a peregrine and cadent Jupiter. If this chart is to be trusted, Biden has essentially no power to act domestically during the period of this chart, and Sun square Jupiter warns of juicy scandals, legal troubles, and a risk of death. The conjunction with Venus at least suggests that relations with allies will be good.
As of this writing, Biden is still alive, but his administration is massively unpopular, his policies are being thrown out by the courts and opposed with increasing effect by state governments, and—well, let’s just say being forced out of the presidential race by your own party is not exactly a vote of confidence. This prediction was pretty much on target. 
The Moon represents the general public, and more particularly that sector of the public that has the capacity to make its voice heard in political and cultural affairs. She is placed in the cadent 6th house, but exalted in Taurus and benefited by three favorable aspects: a trine with Mercury, a distant conjunction with Jupiter, and a sextile with a well-placed Saturn. An exalted Moon with favorable aspects suggests that the political class may rise above its usual condition of kleptocratic self-interest and actually do something useful for a change. 
The plutocratic minority that runs our society has been rather less united behind the status quo of late, but not enough so to make this a convincing hit. 
The Moon’s position in the 6th suggests that some 6th house subject—the condition of the laboring classes, public health, or the state of the military—will become the focus of this action, and Jupiter’s position in the same house predicts considerable financial resources going in that direction. Is it possible that the political classes in the US may finally notice that pocketing all the benefits of economic activity and pushing all the costs onto the laboring classes is a recipe for severe social turmoil, and potentially for domestic insurgency or revolution?
Here, on the other hand, things definitely seem to be moving in the predicted direction, with the condition of the laboring classes coming in for much more discussion than usual, and pushback against a liberal agenda that always seems to benefit the upper middle class at everyone else’s expense finding ample support even among the very wealthy.

Mars in this chart has a cascade of aspects with the planetary positions of the Thema Mundi. His sextile with the Moon and with the Thema Mundi’s ascendant predicts new energy and activity in national affairs, so that problems long left unaddressed may finally be dealt with. His conjunction with Mercury—both in the Thema Mundi and in the present chart—predicts important speeches, essays, and public meetings, and suggests improved access to information and communications. His sextile with his own Thema Mundi position gives him additional strength and momentum. His square with Jupiter’s position stirs up religious disputes, directs criticism toward hospitals and national institutions, predicts an increase in epidemic diseases, and indicates public anger over secret crimes. His trine with Saturn, finally, benefits the military and the police, and brings increased order and efficiency to the work of government.
All of this seems to be happening, though it could have been predicted easily enough on the basis of patterns unrelated to astrology. 
Jupiter is the other planet making new aspects with the planetary positions of the Thema Mundi, and so dramatic changes in the global economy are likely. His sextile with the Moon’s position, and his conjunction with the Moon in the current chart, predict an increase in commerce, trade, and general prosperity, improved conditions for agriculture, and some degree of peace and contentment among the populace. His square with the Sun’s place, and with the Sun himself, counteracts the previous influence somewhat by disturbing trade and commerce, and it also marks problems with public health, major public scandals, and death in high places. 
The dramatic changes have certainly happened, with the hegemony of the US dollar cracking and a significant increase in trade within the rival BRICS trading bloc and between BRICS and the global south. The conflicting indications regarding public contentment are may be reflected in the way that so many Americans are simply hunkering down and hoping for the best instead of rioting or the like. 
Jupiter’s trine with Mercury’s place, and also with Mercury, benefits trade and commerce, and encourages peace and contentment. His inconjunct with Venus warns of government extravagance, unsustainable rates of public expenditure, gives another warning of scandals, and disturbs the country generally. His opposition with the place of Mars, like the red planet’s square to his Thema Mundi position, stirs up religious disputes, aims criticism toward hospitals and institutions, and warns of public anger over secret crimes.  His inconjunct with his own place in the Thema Mundi causes expenditures to go astray and adds to public anger over extravagance, corruption, and scandals. Finally, his trine with Saturn is good for trade and commerce, and marks changes in laws and regulations that benefit the economy.
These also could have been predicted by anybody with half a clue, given events already under way at this time last year. 
Neptune in this chart is in tolerably good dignity, being retrograde but in the sign of his rulership and in the angular 4th house. When strongly placed, he is the planet of popular causes and mass movements; retrograde, in the 4th, and accompanied by a strong and retrograde Saturn, he suggests that the populist conservatism that has been a rising trend in the US for most of a decade now will be an inescapable force during the year this chart governs. Since the 4th is also the house of the political party out of power, it seems likely that the populist takeover of the Republican Party will be completed during this period. 
That certainly turned out to be correct. 
Venus in this chart is nearly as badly dignified as a planet can be: peregrine, cadent, retrograde, intercepted, combust, and afflicted by a square with a strongly placed Uranus! 6th house issues during this period will be an utter dumpster fire. Expect public health to be very bad, the condition of the laboring classes to be no better, and the US military to face further humiliations, quite probably abroad (as the 7th house shows). The Moon and Jupiter are both in this house, and both in mixed dignity. The Moon in the 6th predicts major industrial or public works projects which will improve conditions for the laboring classes by providing jobs at decent pay, but it also warns of strikes, discontent, and hardship. Jupiter in this house is traditionally weak, but he improves conditions to a limited extent and reduces unemployment.
And so did this, of course. In the US today, death rates remain anomalously elevated, a vast number of working class people are struggling to survive, and the Ukraine war has been a disaster for the prestige of the US military, as one loudly vaunted weapons system after another has crumpled in the face of Russia’s relentless pressure using proven traditional technologies. I was wrong about the industrial or public works projects—the Biden administration instead has tried to use amnesties on student debt for the same purpose, which I didn’t anticipate. 
Expect serious trouble in foreign affairs; very little will go right for the United States beyond its borders during the year that this chart covers. That trouble will begin with sudden, explosive changes. This is shown by Uranus’s placement in this house. He is in his fall in Taurus, angular, conjunct the descendant, in a close applying square with the house ruler Venus and in a more distant trine with Mars; if Mars were in a hostile aspect with one of the luminaries, this would threaten war, but as it is (and given the dismal state of the US military, as shown by the 6th house), that is not a serious risk during this year. Instead, drastic events overseas will take the US government by surprise and leave it with few options. The square between Venus and Uranus also warns of sex scandals affecting people in power. 
I was wrong about the sex scandals—at least I didn’t happen to hear about them—but the rest is spot on. The US is not at war, but its prestige has taken a beating as a result of misadventures in Ukraine and the Middle East. 
The global trade regime that benefits the United States, while it is faltering as a result of the failed sanctions against Russia and the rise of the competing BRICS economic bloc, will not collapse during the year ahead. 
This was of course quite correct. 
The in mixed but favorable dignity in this chart; significant legal decisions improving conditions for the people can be expected, and popular religious movements will show new vigor. The Sun and Venus are both intercepted in this (9th) house.  This suggests that Biden (Sun), the foreign and domestic policy establishments (Venus ruling the 6th and 7th houses), and Congress (Venus ruling the 11th house) are hopelessly disconnected from the realities of life outside the DC Beltway, and face serious challenges:  the executive by way of wealthy interests turning against the current regime, Congress and the policy establishments due to the total failure of their preferred policies.
This is also quite correct. I should have added that Biden may have had other reasons for being disconnected from events. 
Expect the public to get involved in the political process to an extent not often seen in recent years, with public meetings, speeches, publications, and internet debates playing an outsized role in public affairs. With Mars also in this house, dramatic changes can be expected in the executive branch during this year; it is by no means certain that Biden will still be in office when the year ends, and it is just possible—given the dismal condition of Venus, which might refer to Vice President Harris—that both Biden and Harris will be gone by the time next August comes around. 
Biden is still in office and Harris is still in the running, but—despite massive and well-funded efforts to make both of them appealing—neither one is in good shape politically. (Notice the size of the crowds who turn out to Harris rallies as a measure of this.) I’d consider this a partial hit.  
Venus is very nearly in the worst shape possible for a planet, and affairs in Congress will follow suit. Expect crimes and scandals on the part of Congresspeople to become front page news over the year ahead, and complete legislative gridlock to set in. With Venus in the 9th, it is not completely impossible that legal charges and prosecutions will fly back and forth between the warring parties, making the work of the legislative branch impossible to pursue. 
This is of course correct, but I missed something major here. If I’d paid more attention to the placement of Venus in the 9th, ruling the 6th, 7th, and 11th, I might have guessed that Trumped-up (so to speak) legal charges would become one of the main weapons the establishment would try to use against its most significant rival. 
A strongly placed and well-dignified Mars ruling this house predicts important changes in the institutions of American public life. The increased crime rate will become an important political issue during this year, and the US will be at risk from secret enemies abroad. 
Both of those certainly turned out to be correct. 
I think it’s fair to say, then, that mundane charts based on the Thema Mundi are at least worth further experiment. In a few days, as time and circumstances permit, I’ll be posting a set of predictions based on the 2024 Thema Mundi return.  Like the earlier set—and this review—it will be available to everyone, whether or not they’re subscribers. 
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