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Catholic journalist, YouTuber (@Paleocrat), and public speaker. Blogging at PaleocratDiaries.com! Writing a book about my daughter's life & death with childhood brain cancer... and how that led our family back to faith in God! #TeamTinyDancer
Red Pill News is conservative news, opinion, and memes media company serving as an antidote to the globalist mainstream media. New videos and articles are published regularly
Expert Game Reviews is a place where you can read honest reviews about indie games and major gaming news. In addition we write content about the games we've been playing since the olden days.
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Bruce Guitar is a dedicated Springsteen guitar teaching channel on Youtube. Our mission is to great the best Springsteen guitar lessons in the world!
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I am an independent journalist dedicated to covering topics related to the far-left and hate crime hoaxes. Your support will allow me to continue what I'm doing, as well as to help cover security costs related to continuing threats from antifa. Please message me with any comments or questions.
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