I am The Crusader Gal. Your donations make it possible for me to continue producing videos regularly. Together, we can attempt to change the course of the culture. For one-time donations, please use "tip". For monthly donations and to become a V.I.P. member, please use "subscribe". Thank you!
Red Pill News is conservative news, opinion, and memes media company serving as an antidote to the globalist mainstream media. New videos and articles are published regularly
Greetings! i am Arch Warhammer and i make Warhammer and 40k Lore videos on YouTube every Friday along with some general strategy content
Exactly what am i planning to do with your donations? Part of the donations will be used to pursue the noble goal of keeping myself alive and supplied with snacks and lore books, beyond this glorious and highly worthwhile goal i will be using the donations to help make larger lore series. A larger lore series? what does this mean precisely? Good of you to ask! My usual friday Lore Videos will remain much as they have always been, a primarily audio based product intended as glorified "background noise" for gaming sessions or long and boring car rides etc. This "new" series will focous on larger and more detailed events like the Wars for Armageddon in 40k or the Great War against Chaos in Warhammer, The hope is that i will be able to make these specialised lore series more visually appealing and illustrative via customised artwork and such fancy things! The Result! Thanks to the wonderful and generous support of all my backers i have been able to complete my first big lore series! The Siege of Vraks! An Epic 48 Part Series! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx6N3LVwgba3NPL3beOWiwlocPb8AqFJu
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