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I write for a living so you don't have to.
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  • Subscribing will make Leftists miserable.


Here's my latest interview on One America News with the fantabulous Liz Wheeler, whom I adore:

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Welcome to GOPWardog, the SubscribeStar page of Christopher C. Hull, Ph.D.  

If you're already a subscriber, thanks so much for your support.  Can't tell you how much it means to me.  

If you're not, please sign up below.  The great thing about supporting me is that I'm doing my best to deploy every ounce of my brainpower to making the globalist Left unhappy and discontent.  

Annoy a whiny snowflake.  Subscribe to GOPWardog.  
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$4 of $100
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Let's see if this works!

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  • Significa entrar em contato com a Estrela diretamente por meio do Instant Messenger.
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