
Mailanka's Musings
I'm an RPG writer who lays out how best to create your own GURPS settings while creating his own sci-fi inspired-settings.
6 subscribers
199 posts
Bethany R. Lindell
Author & Artist
RetroTron Entertainment
RetroTron Entertainment produces podcasts and published books that bring back the fun of 1970's Pop/Nerd Culture!
30 days
 Trust Period
1 post
Welcome to Galder's world of the Brigade!
DDEX (Dino-Defenders Extreme)
If you're a fan of unique storytelling and wish to support a vision that honours old school sci-fi movies, then this is the project for you!
3 subscribers
5 posts
Jon Del Arroz
Jon Del Arroz is the Leading Hispanic Voice In Science Fiction, a #1 Bestselling and Award-Winning Author, comic creator, journalist and cultural commentator. Support my art and journalism in the culture war.
31 days
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33 subscribers
138 posts
I write Choose Your Own Adventure stories and make comics!
Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror author, freelance artist and animator, podcaster, and variety Twitch streamer.
7 days
 Trust Period
1 subscriber
194 posts
The Right Cafe
Catholic Convert. Reactionary. Machiavellian.
Jim Soufrilas
A content creator working on personal projects, from 3D Animation to Indie Platform games, from Digital Art to Literature, from concept to creation. Hop on to make these worlds a reality and have exclusive access to behind the scenes of how it all comes together, with making of videos, and more.
Power Rangers Corner
I am a creator who dabbles in making everything from comics, games and fiction.
20 posts
Art, hopefully of the cool variety
Glenn Lazar Roberts
Books for Men: sci-fi, horror, & social satire.
60 days
 Trust Period
13 posts
Sketch Knight
A Fine Morning To You, Citizen You Stand Before Sir Sketch Knight, May I Offer A Piece? :D
Aaron Storm
For decades I've read at least a dozen books a month. For the past few years I've been writing as a hobby. I have a number of projects that are well on their way to novel length. My goal is to start sharing what I've written.
Last Knight of Aelder
I make a sci-fi mecha webcomic about characters struggling with war, totalitarianism, and survival in a post apocalyptic world.
5 subscribers
103 posts
The Prometheus Unbound Broadcast Initiative is proud to present the World of Prometheus Unbound Subscribe Star! Subscribe and support the war effort today!
Lightstar Creations
Greetings! I'm Lightstar, a High Frequency Attunement Artist! Let's take a journey together to create, activate, and inspire the world, and explore multidimensional realms of creativity. Who's with me?
A writer of fantasy and science-fiction. I write both novels and web serials.
Covering 40k Lore
QUANTUM VIBE is a sci-fi adventure set in the far future, as remarkable characters seek freedom in the Great Human Diaspora
22 subscribers
201 posts
Mobile Suit Breakdown
Mobile Suit Break is a weekly Gundam podcast, digging deep into the real world history, culture, science, and lore that inspired the iconic anime franchise - for new fans, old fans, and not yet fans.

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