I'm The Angry GM! I give RPG Advice with Attitude! If you're a fan of tabletop RPGs and looking to play and run the least worst games possible, you need my in-depth, weekly articles. Check out TheAngryGM.com to see my work.
MMOs and other computer games like Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, Warframe and Path of Exile to name a few. All things related to tech and gaming tech.
I make crafting videos to create terrain for table top gaming. I also sketch and draw sharing ideas and my thought processes. Additionally, I'm working on my own RPG pen and paper game.
I love DND, plain and simple. I am an excellent storyteller and this is reflected in my games. Please support my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB6HE9SqjxWDCaXDhiq6XSg) so that I may post content more frequently and increase the quality.
Knight's Congress is a free-to-play / free-to-make turn-based boardgame built for both PVP and RPG gameplay. Using a modular system, KC allows players to command a battalion of customizable soldiers led by a powerful knight.
I Create lets-play videos of video games. They tend to be Total-War and RPG games like Pokemon, including fan made. I do two videos a day Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Will wait till the next Monday before new content starts..
We are a dice and paper role playing game design studio, who specializes in adventures, and accessories for your game. We also do commission art, both for personal and commercial use
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