Instead of exclusive content, you are supporting Hierosoft LLC so Poikilos can work part-time or full-time to create free tabletop content, public-licensed software and assets, and other works such as free design and coding eBooks at Get the downloads and updates at and
Catch all account for multimedia relating to my fictional universe, the Kolldrunn, Music, Art, Game Assets, and other stuff. Come on in! There's lots of goodies! :D
Artillerists - it`s a turn based strategic game, with deeply modernized gameplay mechanics of the beloved Battleship game.The battles are going between the artillery units of the two conflicting armed forces.
I provide art and game development content for all to view progress of any upcoming works I will make, as well as provide access to demos and wip for supporters to play and provide feedback with!
Minden ami The Division - Magyarul! Infók, tippek és trükkök, leírások, történetek, lore, bemutatások, pve-, pvp szettek, SOTG, Patch Notes, live streamek, build és guide videók, érdekességek és minden más magyarul!
Hey all you Gamer Gremlins! ATN is gonna play some old, broken games. Come and watch! If you like what you found on my other sites and you would like to support me you can donate to me here. Thanks! You can find me at: BitChute/ StageDoodyBits YouTube/ StageDoodyVids Discord/ StageDoodyDiscussion Twitch/ StageDoodyStreamer Twitter/ StageDoodyTweet Minds/ StageDoodyMinds Rumble/ StageDoodyRumbler Gab/ StageDoodyGab
Here's where I ask you for money and you politely say "No, thanks!" If you did happen to subscribe by mistake, then you'll be funding all of the things we do on and - playing mobile and PC games, tech reviews, DIY nonsense, gear upgrades, etc. We also do subscriber-only contests and giveaways, private livestreams, and take requests for content. Want to see a specific game or piece of tech? Then check out the tiers and choose wisely! 100% of the funds raised here will go directly back to the channel - either to fund contests/giveaways or for game purchases/upgrades/tech reviews (and we will give some of those away as well).
Grinding.Zone is Path of Exile fun site and online loot filter editor. If you like the site, you can support it to keep growing and adding new exciting features.
I no longer use this account. Please don't sign up to it. I cannot delete it as I have one 'active' subscriber who hasn't paid me for over a year, and subscribe star seems to have no way to 'drop' a subscriber.
My name is Morgana and I am a visual novel developer. I've decided to try to get back into writing regularly. If any of the stories I post gain any popularity, I may adapt them as visual novels or RPGs.
Hello there. If you've found this page you're either very lost or an adventurous spirit.. This is a place that builds stories ans worlds, creatures and characters. If you wish to join this journey then by all means comes along.
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