
Scottish Youtube Crafter
30 days
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1 post
I make crafting videos to create terrain for table top gaming. I also sketch and draw sharing ideas and my thought processes. Additionally, I'm working on my own RPG pen and paper game.
4 subscribers
7 posts
Crafting videos about Crafting and 3D Printing, Gameplay Videos, and Game Art and Development
AmericKim's Creations loves to create unique projects using the Brother Scan N Cut, HTV, self adhesive vinyl and just about any other crafting supply you can think of.
Clockwork Machinations
is creating Maker and Mad Science content on YouTube
3 days
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4 posts
The Artificer's Fort
Welcome, adventurers! The Artificer's Fort is a place for all things related to the middle ages, medieval fantasy, role playing games, weapons, armor, and many other topics. You can check out more information on the website at:
1 subscriber
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