Bluephilosopher profile
I am a creator who dabbles in making everything from comics, games and fiction.
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Subscription Tiers

per month
Watching Eyes

-Get to see all Art content without big watermarks, including exclusive works I make for patrons.

0 subscribers
per month
Supporting Hands

-You get all art, but also non art related bonus materials and exclusive works.

-You also get to have input on polls, side artwork choices and future interactions.

0 subscribers
per month
Cult of Creativity

-All access to all created art and materials.

-Get to be in polls, choices, interactions and decide on side art.

-Followers will each get a custom lcon if they want and other periodical art treats and rewards to this tier.

0 subscribers

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

20 posts


$0.00 of $600
per month
You enjoy my work to the point I can partly support myself on this and focus more on making regular and consistent monthly content. I will also make a period of time that supporters get access to content before the general public.
$0.00 of $1,200
per month
You enjoy my work enough that I am able to focus full time on creating more of it on a weekly basis rather than monthly and focus on monthly rewards for the higher tiers.
to reach
An impossibly high goal. If I manage to make this goal, I will take ideas on what kind of reward I can give to my many followers that seems fitting.

Other stars

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