
Minnesota Black Robe Regiment Podcast
I will be discussing socio-cultural issues facing the United States Republic, nationally, regionally and locally. Not being a constitutional scholar or attorney does not preclude the citizenry from the conversation...
Free Speech Media
Objectivity, proportion and fairness are valued by news consumers. Citizens can sort out for themselves what to make of the information they receive from the media.
Politics In Its Place Podcast
Support alternative conservative media. America and the West are facing a spiritual crisis. Help us alleviate it by supporting the podcast!
32 days
 Trust Period
12 posts
Host of The Joe Padula Show out of Clarksville, Tn. New Jersey Born, New York Lived & Afghanistan War Veteran with the 101st and now on iHeartRadio, absolutely. We talk about thing YouTube and Facebook like to delete.
Rottens supporters
Thank you everyone for your continued support
Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 曾錚真言
I create videos, write stories, and commentaries on current affairs and personal experiences. For the past two decades, I've been working hard to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s various lies and crimes.

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