I primarily make videos on Mathematics, but touch on philosophy, poetry, and politics. I like to call this collection of topics 3PM, but anyways I make the videos because knowledge is meant to be shared.
Online math education channel geared towards concepts and skills covered in algebra level courses. On Youtube, Rumble, and BitChute! Email: [email protected]
Robbie P is creating mathematics videos for undergraduate courses. There are no posts, tiers, or merch. This SubscribeStar is to support me while I make these videos, which I'd make for free anyway.
Bruce Guitar is a dedicated Springsteen guitar teaching channel on Youtube. Our mission is to great the best Springsteen guitar lessons in the world!
Sign up to access exclusive content to include backing tracks, guitar pdfs + guitar pro files, requests + even 1-1 lessons! *files are sent via email on the 3rd of every month*
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