Conscripted Orc profile
Conscripted Orc
Conscripted Orc
Stoical doomer ☠ Layman/Layperson 📖 Rule One: Family first 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 No political affiliation 🗳 New-tech only 💻 Follow me and I will follow you ☯️

Subscription Tiers

per month


0 subscribers
per month


0 subscribers
per month


0 subscribers
Conscripted Orc
In the past I've donated to people who I thought had deserved it. Maybe for their good advice, their engaging content or their virtuous cause.

I've created this Subscribestar page in the (perhaps unlikely) event that you feel the same way about my content.

I'm already grateful that you are even here reading this and I'm flabbergasted if you choose to part with your hard earned cash.


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

1 post


to reach
the Goal
To justify the time it took to set up my Subscribestar page...

Other stars

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