Full Spectrum Universe is a movement of exchanging knowledge and bring higher levels of free thinking and critical thinking to the public we are a umbrella of podcasts that touch on all topics of conversation in today's world......
Support my YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/DaisyCousensOfficial) and help me create engaging, thoughtful, and above all, FUN political and cultural commentary! Together we can fight the culture wars, and with your support, I may come out unscathed. I also write for The Spectator, Penthouse (for the articles), and am a regular contributor to Sky News Australia. Looking forward to collaborating with you all!
Early access to YouTube videos!
One-on-one Skype chats, for the truly dedicated!
All the world's issues discussed with a healthy dose of flagrant sass!
I'm Zeos, I run the YT channels Zreviews, in-Ear Fetish, Zeos 2nd Channel, ZeosPantera, Z Cooks Consortium. Im here to educate, speculate, eradicate, and master the finer points of life and consumer goods.
Early Access to all reviews. Entrance into the monthly yard sales. Access to all previously used wallpapers. Enter private Telegram chat and Ask Questions in $10 Tier.
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