Ready to join the hottest StarCraft 2 Club? You ready to disconnect from the Matrix gamers!? Gamer Disconnect is branded to bring you informational content that is meant to help gamers improve their lives mentally, physically, and financially.
Hi there. Name is silentkaster. I'm a libertarian who does The Weekly Roundup podcast. I talk about culture, US and world events and make commentary. I do not participate on most social media so you will not see Tweets from me.
I'm a Twitch Streamer at where I play mostly Mine Craft and Cyberpunk 2077. Looking forward to adding Hytale and Ashes of Creation.
I'm a variety streamer, playing several games for my own entertainment and hopefully yours as well. I've grown up with a love for watching anime, and playing many video, card, tabletop games and more. I hope that one day I can become a voice actor.
Nouveau-retro content creator who wants to take you back to the future that never was. Visit to view all of my social media accounts, streaming platforms, and alternate support pages on one page.
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