Watherum profile
This Subscribe Star is here for anyone who enjoys my content and wants to support me do what I do.A donation of any size will help me continue to create content, get better equipment, and quite frankly keep the lights on!

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Recruit of the Elite

Your name will be shown in the credits of my videos!

Thanks for your support!

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Sergeant of the Elite

Your name will be shown in the credits of my videos!

Take part in polls to shape the path of the content I put up!

Thanks for your support!

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Officer of the Elite

Your name will be shown in the credits of my videos!

Take part in polls to shape the path of the content I put up!

You will also get access to how exactly I set up my hardware!

Thanks for your support!

0 subscribers
USD monthly
General of the Elite

Your name will be shown in the credits of my videos!

Take part in polls to shape the path of the content I put up!

You will also get access to how exactly I set up my hardware!

You will have access to my planned videos early. Every so often there will also be exclusive videos for you as well.

Thanks for your support!

0 subscribers


  • The different tiers will offer different benefits. If you subscribe to a higher tier then you will get all of the benefits of the previous tiers.
  • These benefits include name in the credits, polls, behind the scenes videos, early access and exclusive content!
  • Thank you for your support!

Předplatné vám poskytuje:
  • Přístup k obsahu profilu Star.
  • Schopnost podpořit vaši hvězdu přispěním-jednorázovým nebo opakovaným.
  • Znamená oslovit hvězdu přímo pomocí Instant Messengeru.
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