
Hello, My name is Paul (Perfect Pitch) and I would like to welcome you to my channel "Somewhere on the trail". My channel is dedicated to hiking, backpacking, and a better quality of life through outdoor activity for people of all ages.
30 days
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7 posts
Backpacker Ben
support our suffering around the world, here you will get behind the scenes snippets of where we are before it's put on YouTube
Keepin' It Young
We are Judy and John. We are currently planning a lifelong adventure on the road. More to come as the plan develops....
0 posts
Chasing Ghost
This page supports my motorcycle content
Traveler, nomad, blogger, youtuber, adventurer.
30 days
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1 post
Falling to bits 45yr old Yorkshire bloke who likes knocking together websites + making online video content for YouTube / Bitchute / DailyMotion, etc of whatever random stuff I stumble across when I have a camera to hand.
My name is Shanté. I do travel, finance, and comedy videos. I also like to give away money...sometimes. Watch me make you laugh :)
Brad Beckett is a YouTuber producing travel videos.
Viking Traveler
Viking Traveler is a channel for open minded men (and women if so inclined) to talk about current events, news, opinions, humor and ways to better yourself and find happiness and understanding in today's society.
What About The Roads
Writing articles, analysis, and more, voluntarily.
1 subscriber
1 post
The Adventures of Chuck
Watch and support Chuck on his adventures. He is an 18 pound Pomeranian with a large under bite who loves to Slav Squat. Chuck has traveled all over the country seeing the sights, smelling the smells and having a few conflicts along the way.
1 subscriber
107 posts
A guy who was dead for 13 min enjoys lifestyle with informative information.
Starring K.I.M. The Artist (aka kimartist), her art, her cats & her travels through life.
20 posts
Epic Outdoorz
Hi I'm Epic and this is my backpacking channel! Follow me on my adventures, checkout backpacking tutorials, and get insights on gear. My goal is to inspire more people to get up off their butts and go play outside!
40 days
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0 posts
Endless Journey
I post videos of my travels in Thailand and other parts of the world. I like to show how the people live and interact with each other in their daily lives.
986 posts
Freedom Alternative
Mostly libertarian conservative content. Plus knowledge and wisdom on basic political operative work. And lots of traveling.
Wisconsin Wanderlust
Exploring interesting and unusual places in Wisconsin.
Aga Qubica Media
Editor for HelloIrlandia | Audio/Visual Content Creator | Broadcast Journalist & Foreign Correspondent (Dublin radio)
Zac Saleski
Former Professional AMERICAN FOOTBALL player turned coach. I started VLOGGING in 2018 from the USA, Poland to Germany
I make videos of elevators in the Midwestern United States for a largely autistic audience, though I myself am not autistic. With a little extra money in my pocket, I can go and explore new areas and look for new and historic elevators.
32 days
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1 post
Saiyan Chan
Information on how to stay safe while traveling, living, and dating in Colombia and abroad. Maximize your chances of successfully building a great life for yourself outside Western first world countries.
Hobo MR Mc
Travel and Adventure with a twist
The Wondering Englishman
The Wondering Englishman - I wonder what is over there and I wonder what that place is like. Without hesitation, I go there and hopefully you join me along the way!

Featured Stars

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