
Jerry Liu
Jerry Liu likes to find nuance in many of the issues in modern society. However, modern society wants to put labels on him and also prevent him from encouraging independent thought and discourse. Let's help the spreading knowledge and independent thinking.
The Adventures of Chuck
Watch and support Chuck on his adventures. He is an 18 pound Pomeranian with a large under bite who loves to Slav Squat. Chuck has traveled all over the country seeing the sights, smelling the smells and having a few conflicts along the way.
1 subscriber
107 posts
D4D The Artist
Creating editorial cartoons & artwork that spotlights the ongoing insane & divided nature of society, forces people to analyze &re-evaluate their ideologies effectiveness, benefits or detriments on the world. I would describe my editorial approach as the "Airplane" of the 2020s.
NYC Views, News, & Reviews
Weekly live show produced by Rare Air Live Productions, hosted by comedian Greg Kritikos & Marvel Comics Illustrator Mike Rockwitz. We cover whatever's hot in the news & world, ft. guests & "passionate" callers. Tues @ 8(est) LIVE from Astoria, Queens NY!
I create Videos of Philosophy, Psychology and Religion as well as humorous thumbnails
Old ideas aren’t helping and discussion is under fire. Together may our hearts be kind, our minds fierce and our spirits brave. Trying to evolve in a an upside down world, Together.You are not alone in this Brave New World.
30 days
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5 posts
Political comic artist.
Couch BroTato Gaming
We are a group of spuds who get together for your gaming enjoyment! If you're here, we greatly appreciate your support, and will do our best to listen to feedback and improve the overall quality of our content! We hope you enjoy!
30 days
 Trust Period
1 post
Diário dum caipira As aventuras de um caipira na cidade grande

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