
ASMR videos
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Educational content regarding chemistry, animals, geography and space. These may be videos, articles or facts.
I am a self-publishing author who's currently working on a childrens books series entitled "If Plastics Could Talk".
1 subscriber
1 post
The Adventures of Chuck
Watch and support Chuck on his adventures. He is an 18 pound Pomeranian with a large under bite who loves to Slav Squat. Chuck has traveled all over the country seeing the sights, smelling the smells and having a few conflicts along the way.
1 subscriber
107 posts
Oreo's Family and Friends
Story of "Oreo", girlfriend "Hissy" and their family and friends.
21 posts
Starring K.I.M. The Artist (aka kimartist), her art, her cats & her travels through life.
20 posts
Stub-Tail Studios
My name is Krystina Starks but in the furry world I go by Sheba Wolf. I like to draw animals and take photos.

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