Video essays pertaining to subjects such as philosophy, history, politics, and economics, in addition to interviews with various authors and public figures.
LibertyTalk FM streams talk radio dedicated to personal & economic liberty as based on the American system that elevates the individual as the standard-bearer of Human Freedom.
The untold story of the Republic and issues pertaining there to. Over 95% of the people at the time of the Constitution had little or no idea of what the Founding Fathers had put together. In 2021, it is closer to 99%.
The purpose of my work is to share as much information as possible. As of this writing, I am active on YouTube, Twitch, BitChute, BlogSpot, Gab, Minds, Twitter, and more.
Bringing you the wisdom of Thomas Sowell on economics, politics and culture. If you like my work, then please consider supporting it by making a monthly pledge.
The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast conducts interviews with high-profile guests on geopolitics and international affairs seeking to gain insight from experts on both the left and the right as to the true nature of current events.
PURSUE THE TRUTH. EXPOSE THE TRUTH. SPEAK THE TRUTH. Join our growing audience of people that value truth and common sense analysis. Thank You for Supporting FREE SPEECH with No Commercials and NO Censorship. Corporate News Media Lies Every Day.
Dear American Patriot, We need to laugh or we'll go crazy but we need the truth or we'll lose our country. Think about all the "anchors", "journalists", "hosts", "entertainers" and even some so-called "truthers" who have lied to you about so many things that have impacted your life. Especially in recent years. I don't lie to you. In fact I have fun getting to the truth even when telling the truth makes me a target. My daily reports are commercial free. My podcasts are uncensored. There is no corporate machine keeping me locked on some fake narrative. I have no products to pitch you. I interview more whistleblowers than celebrities. Thank you God Bless you and our country, Ken
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