My dream job is to create high quality video game entertainment videos. If I reach my goal I will quit my job and work on create entertaining videos for you full time I'll catalog and report all man hour spent on projects and having meeting with supporters. I would be starting this as a small business and treating it as such.
Solo Video Game developer creating amazing full and mini game concepts including CCG's. Support my channel and video game development by a developer that chooses PLAYERS over payers.
Studio DynoStorm is a western-positive games development company, support our effort to bring you WESTMEN a tower offense survivor-like game like no other.
I mainly make math videos and research into developing true free energy Aether science and technology!
Be apart of what may very well be the only person in the world actively pursing true suppressed Aether free energy and anti-gravity science and technology in a rigid academically sound methodology.
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