Jon Del Arroz is the Leading Hispanic Voice In Science Fiction, a #1 Bestselling and Award-Winning Author, comic creator, journalist and cultural commentator. Support my art and journalism in the culture war.
In these early stages i want to regularly upload the base drawings for each panels, but only those which doesn't spoil the story. My goal is to produce a hardcover visual novel with original art and story. I use subscribestar mainly to keep up the self-motivation.
The Prometheus Unbound Broadcast Initiative is proud to present the World of Prometheus Unbound Subscribe Star! Subscribe and support the war effort today!
I am an independent journalist dedicated to covering topics related to the far-left and hate crime hoaxes. Your support will allow me to continue what I'm doing, as well as to help cover security costs related to continuing threats from antifa. Please message me with any comments or questions.
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