Pastor Ron Knight profile
Pastor Ron Knight
Pastor Ron Knight
I love the Word of God, and I pray that you do too! I am here to share that passion with you through daily audio commentary! Check out the subscription tiers at the bottom of this page and join us as we go verse by verse through the entire Holy Scripture.
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Subscription Tiers

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Old Tier

This tier will be deactivated as of Sunday, August 1, 2021

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Old Tier

This Tier will be deactivated on Sunday, August 1, 2021.

per month
First Day Of Week

Access To A Verse By Verse Audio Commentary Of The Entire Old Testament, Genesis Through Malachi.

per month
Old Tier

Will be inactive starting Sunday, August 1, 2021

per month
Second Day Of The Week

Access To A Verse By Verse Audio Commentary Of The Four (4) Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, And John, As Well As The Book Of Acts. (Also Includes Access To Audio From The First Day Of The Week).

per month
Third Day Of The Week

Access To A Verse By Verse Audio Commentary Of The Church Epistles Of The Apostle Paul, Romans Through Philemon. (Also Includes Access To Audio From The First And Second Days Of The Week).

per month
Fourth Day Of The Week

Access To Verse By Verse Audio Commentary Of The Hebrew Epistles, Hebrews Through Jude. (Also Includes Access To Audio From The First, Second, and Third Days Of The Week).

per month
Fifth Day Of The Week

Access To A Verse By Verse Audio Commentary Of The Prophetic Books Of Daniel And Revelation. Will Alternate Each Book Each Week. (Also Includes Access To Audio From The First Through Fourth Days Of The Week).

per month
Sixth Day Of The Week

Access To Audio Questions And Answers Sent In By YOU And Other Subscribers At This Tier. (Also Includes ALL Audio From All Other Days Of The Week).



  • Here on Subscribestar you will not only be able to access all the audio commentary of every verse of Scripture, but each month you will also be able to both ask and have access to other Q&'As.
  • Five days each week we will post audio commentary of the Holy Scripture so that you can learn more about God’s Word. Thanks for subscribing and please let others know to subscribe as well. Grace and peace. Ron Knight.
Pastor Ron Knight
Hi everyone, this is Brother Ron Knight. Just want to let you know that I am seeking, per your request, to make myself more available to share my understanding of God's Word after 25 years in the pulpit as a Pastor/Teacher. And to also answer your wonderful bible questions. 

The goal is to make this wonderful site SubscribeStar my primary labour outside of the local Assembly to provide for my family and to be more available for you. As most of you know, I have received an awful lot of questions over the past 2 many in fact, that it is hard for me to keep up. I've also been asked to write my own bible commentary, but have not had the time to do it. Well, through this new subscription ministry, and with your help, I will be able to not only catch up on the questions, but to also make and post audio bible commentary of every verse in the Holy Scriptures. That means that this job answering questions, and teaching the bible through audio commentary, will be 100% SUBSCRIBER SUPPORTED! So, your prayers and financial support is appreciated. 

Our Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians that when we sow sparingly, we will also reap sparingly, but when we sow bountifully, we shall also reap bountifully. Let's reap bountifully together. Finally, the best part is that it is only $10 a month...or just 33 cents a day to start!

My goal is to help edify you in the Word of God! And for all those who have in the past, and even now desire for us to make a trip out to your neck of the woods to share the Word in person, proceeds from this new ministry may also help us to do that. So please subscribe, and tell everyone else you know to subscribe, and let the questions and answers flow! Grace and peace. Bro Ron Knight. 

Galatians 6:6...Let him that is taught in the Word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.  

1 Corinthians 9:14...Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should LIVE of the gospel.

1 Timothy 5:17-18...Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his hire.

Pastor Ron Knight
Public post

Hey everyone. Just letting you know that we are getting situated in our new place here in Minnesota and are transitioning to complete the studies. We should have new fresh studies soon. Thank you all for your patience, understanding and long suffering. Bro Ron Knight.

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Pastor Ron Knight

Day 2…Matt Chap Four

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Pastor Ron Knight

Day 1…. Gen Chap Three

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Pastor Ron Knight

Day 5…. Rev Chap Two

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Pastor Ron Knight

Day 4…Hebrews Chapter 6

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Posted for $40, $50, $60 tiers
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Pastor Ron Knight

Day 3…Rom Chap Three

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