Welcome to my page! Here, you will be able to access to exclusive content from my racing driver career.¡Bienvenido/a a mi página! Aquí, podrás acceder a contenido exclusivo sobre mi trayectoria como piloto de carreras.
I am a single dad who creates art films, video art, and music here in Ottawa, Canada, and am working towards making these activities my full-time vocation and primary household revenue stream.
"It is time for a media brand that we all feel a part of. One that we trust - that puts our children first and prepares us for a future that we can all be proud of. I hope to help make that happen through training and broadcasting.
Scratchboard Art: drawings in progress, demos, short video instruction. More types of content as I figure out this platform. Master (MSA) Member of the Int'l Society of Scratchboard Artists. Ampersand Artist Ambassador
Science fiction, horror, dark fantasy. The new-weird and surreal imaginings of an aging and autistic artist.
Collected thematic series for the lover of the weird, the unique, the wonderous and on more than one occassion, the disturbing, creepy and unsettling. Enter this unstable Funhouse of digital art if you so dare! All art is showcased here, long before availability to the larger public. Free downloads for personal use.
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