Who are we? Why are we here? Does where do we come from?How should we live?What is our ultimate destiny or meaning of life? This channel will serve the purpose to Expose the Bible for what it truly is!
Science fiction, horror, dark fantasy. The new-weird and surreal imaginings of an aging and autistic artist.
Collected thematic series for the lover of the weird, the unique, the wonderous and on more than one occassion, the disturbing, creepy and unsettling. Enter this unstable Funhouse of digital art if you so dare! All art is showcased here, long before availability to the larger public. Free downloads for personal use.
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Slower painting and drawing videos: Instant access to my patreon feed where you will get weekly Wednesday videos slowed down from the published 5 min video to an hour or more long each. This adds up to four of these slower videos each month! FOUR!!! I can feel your excitement from here.
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