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Christopher Enoch
Christopher Enoch
First Century Christianity in Every Church in the World.
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Christopher Enoch
Public post
I have thought long and hard about what kind of perks, or benefits I can give for each tier of support. Here's the thing: I give my all. I have nothing left to give. Therefore, all I can say is "Thank you" for your support. God sees your charity.
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Christopher Enoch
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Christopher Enoch
Public post

2 Esdras

I am currently working on an audio/video recording of the entire book of 2 Esdras. As of the writing of this post, I have the audio, and video fully recorded, but it needs editing, which I am currently working on.
2 Esdras is one of the most interesting books of scripture. It speaks of life after death, and the end of the world.
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Christopher Enoch
Public post

It's no secret: The church is in bad shape today. Churches are closing everywhere, and the buildings are being rezoned to residential or commercial buildings. The numbers are dropping. Those who used to be Christian are leaving the faith, becoming atheist, or converting to other religions. The church may be down, but not out. There's still hope. God can resurrect her. And indeed God will. We read in the book of Acts how the church exploded with growth, with miracles, signs, and wonders. The leaders in the book of Acts made brazen calls to "be saved from this corrupt generation", even going as far as saying "God COMMANDS all men everywhere to repent". Much of the doctrine and practices we find in church today is not found in the Bible. We need a revolution - back to the roots. We need to go back upstream, bypass all the man-made pollution throughout the centuries, and go back to the source where the water is pure. And that is what we are doing. Our method: to utilize every form of media to do it - videos, blog posts, books, audio teachings, etc.. etc.. As you join us in this mission, you play a vital part in making this happen. And together we will bring back first century Christianity in every church in the world!

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