
Jack Wayne
I am a man of few words. Drawings and Creative Writing. I'm creating this account just so in the future, no one else takes my username.
Arthadian Anthologies
Forging a Creative Venture to entertain and immerse YOU into this New Expanding Universe!
Author and senior editor at Steak House Books; talking about industry issues, writing tips, advice, and culture.
30 days
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4 subscribers
48 posts
Percy Onii-chan
Hobbyist animator, writer, and artist for over 10 years.
Author Looking to write some great stories, if you enjoy them, please consider subscribing.
Matthew J. Mimnaugh
Hard science fiction and fantasy author of long series.
30 days
 Trust Period
3 posts
Literature Devil
I talk about books, movies, comics, culture, and current year crazy - diving into the building blocks of storytelling.

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