
Hey guys, how are you? I'm GDK and I'm creating The Mercenary on a notebook without a video card. I hope you like the game :)
Skyros Isles
Skyros Isles will be a top down 2D action adventure game filled with monsters, gadgets, weapons, needy villagers to help, and caves and dungeons to scour for treasure!
Yukito's Corner
I'm a hobbyist writer who wants to grow an audience. I write lots of stories, and all of the premium ones will be here.
5 days
 Trust Period
65 posts
I'm a fanfiction writer have been for awhile now. I moved here because Patreon has become less 'User friendly' as of late. I promise to update something of mine at least once a month.
3 subscribers
56 posts
Sketch Knight
A Fine Morning To You, Citizen You Stand Before Sir Sketch Knight, May I Offer A Piece? :D
Cliff Cosmic
Illustrator, artist, guy who loves to draw. Follow me for updates on all my projects!
8 subscribers
11 posts
Arlindo Francisco
Writer of webnovels, trying my best to use my imagination.

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