I’m Bob and interested in “Doing Farming Right”. Organic farmer of beef & poultryExpert in animal welfare, pasture & livestock grazing management. FAA 107 Certified drone pilot
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I am an independent journalist dedicated to covering topics related to the far-left and hate crime hoaxes. Your support will allow me to continue what I'm doing, as well as to help cover security costs related to continuing threats from antifa. Please message me with any comments or questions.
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Hi I'm Brad Cologero Getz, I have a plethora of interests but my main hobby is music. I have been in a few bands and also have written a lot of solo tracks.
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Slower painting and drawing videos: Instant access to my patreon feed where you will get weekly Wednesday videos slowed down from the published 5 min video to an hour or more long each. This adds up to four of these slower videos each month! FOUR!!! I can feel your excitement from here.
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