WorldClassBullshitters profile
The Official SubscribeStar account for WCBs

Subscription Tiers

per month
Basic Bullshitter
  1. Access to Exclusive Digital Content Such as: WCBs After Hours, all movie commentaries and the Patreon back catalog (updated monthly)
per month
The Big 10
  1. Bonus videos not available on YouTube
  2. Digital Content Such as: WCBs After Hours, all movie commentaries and the Patreon back catalog (updated monthly)
  3. A topic of your choice to be discussed each month on World Class Bullshitters
per month
25 To Life
  1. Bonus videos not available on YouTube.
  2. Digital Content Such as: WCBs After Hours, all movie commentaries and the Patreon back catalog (updated monthly).
  3. A topic of your choice to be discussed each week on the live show.
  4. An Official World Class Bullshitters Advertisement where we will plug anything.
  5. A special invitation to appear on select live shows.
  6. An Exclusive World Class Bullshitters T-Shirt (S-5XL).


  • Bonus content including extra shows, videos and interaction with the channel
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