RubidiumMoon profile
Rubi Moon aka RubidiumMoon is an online content creator who makes videos and livestreams a variety of different games like Skyrim, Mass Effect, and more.
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Ruby Recruit

You are now a member of the Ruby Recruits a special task force ranked above the Ruby Rangers.

By becoming a Ruby Recruit you are supporting my content. There may be perks in the future, but the primary purpose is to give you the option to support me if you want to. You will also get a Discord role to acknowledge your contributions.

0 subscribers Ruby Recruits
per month
A Little More

Want to subscribe for a higher value? Well now you can subscribe up to $5. This is just a way you can show extra support to me. Thank you so much for your support.

0 subscribers Ruby Recruits
per month
Way More

Woah! Thank you so much! This is just a way you can show extra support. You definitely don't need to do so. But thank you so much.

0 subscribers Ruby Recruits


  • The option to support me since I'm no longer a Twitch Affiliate.
  • There may be perks later, but for now this is simply for those who
  • wish to support my content.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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