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Luke Absolum Reid
Luke Absolum Reid
I am an artist and a dungeon master that enjoys bringing fantasy worlds to life through illustration.
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Displaying posts with tag Ruins.Reset Filter
Luke Absolum Reid
Public post
Completed this today over the course of a handful of hours. Just another random encounter map. 

"Along the eastern side of the continent is a vast desert that demarcates the current border of a reclusive dwarven nation. Along its western border are the remains of an ancient wall that stretches the span for hundreds of miles. Most of it is severely degraded and is only considered a wall by well read historians. To the majority they are, simply, scattered ruins at an oddly consistent latitude and wildly differing intervals. Many of the sites are now home to many different denizens, some transient and some more permanent. Many human scholars have come to the conclusion that it is ancient dwarven stonework. At any rate, the threat that it once guarded against and the empire that once maintained it are long faded beyond modern memory."
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Luke Absolum Reid
Public post
A desert ruin for a potential random encounter in my Dravlun campaign. 
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