Yogi Rue profile
Yogi Rue
Yogi Rue
Recorded meditations, tailored yoga sequences, personal support

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Parama iš meilės (support out of love)

Priejimas prie privataus Telegram kanalo, kuriame dalinames naujienomis, renginiais ir mintimis. Priėjimas prie visų video įrašų.

Access to the private Telegram chat in which we'll share news, events and thoughts. Access to all video material.

1 subscriber
USD monthly
Mėnesinis nelimituotas (unlimited)

Neribotas priėjimas prie visų gyvai vedamų bei grupinių online klasių, išskyrus specialius renginius bei dirbtuves.

Unlimited access to all live and group online classes, except special events and workshops.

0 subscribers
USD monthly
Asmeninės sekos (tailored sequences)

2 kartus per savaitę asmeniškai vedamos sekos, pritaikytos prie tavo asmeninių tikslų bei galimybių.

Twice weekly guided personal sequences, tailored to your specific goals and abilities.

0 subscribers


  • Private Telegram chat for updates, events and feedback
  • Commisioned individual sequences
  • Discord chat for support and live online classes

Displaying posts with tag Yoga.Reset Filter
Yogi Rue

Upper back and shoulder resetThis one requires some scientific curiosity- going in steps and real...

Posted for $5, $60, $80 tiers
Unlock Tier

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

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