Yogi Rue profile
Yogi Rue
Yogi Rue
Recorded meditations, tailored yoga sequences, personal support
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Priejimas prie privataus Telegram kanalo, kuriame dalinames naujienomis, renginiais ir mintimis. Priėjimas prie visų video įrašų.

Access to the private Telegram chat in which we'll share news, events and thoughts. Access to all video material.

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Unlimited access to all live and group online classes, except special events and workshops.

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Twice weekly guided personal sequences, tailored to your specific goals and abilities.

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  • Commisioned individual sequences

Yogi Rue

from 02 Jan, 2023

Posted for $5 tier
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Yogi Rue
Public post
A short sequence for those whose hips are tight and immobile. Always follow your body BEFORE you follow instruction <3
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