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Santo's Workshop
Santo's Workshop
Fiction, fan and original. And pictures of painted wargame miniatures.
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You enjoy my work enough to throw me a tip! Thank you very much. I will use it to buy chicken for my dog.

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Buy Me A Taco

You enjoy my work enough to buy me one whole taco. Or most of one, more likely, it'll go to most of a can of food for my dog. Either way. Thank you so very much.

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Buy Me Two Tacos!

Some people would buy booze. I buy tacos and canned goods for canine consumption. You join here? I'll be buying at least one of either a month!

As a super thank you. Have the next chapter of whatever I'm working on.

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Oh Wow...Okay, You Get Early Access

I try not to work on a week to week basis. I normally try (and sometimes fail) to keep a buffer and give myself some wriggle room for posting the next chapter.

For this? Not anymore. You have access to everything that's ready to be posted. At least four chapters ahead of anything that's publicly available.

8 subscribers
Santo's Workshop

Well, here we are.

Not gonna lie, was entirely too nervous to attempt this. But necessity and medical bills breed desperation as the saying unfortunately goes.
If you've found your way here on accident. Hello! I write fiction, fan and original, I will also take pictures of my miniatures and post them here, hopefully, my brand of insanity will resonate with you enough for you to want to stick around.
If not, thank you for the time of day. Go in peace, there are no hard feelings. We must all choose how to spend our hard earned money.

If you choose to stick around however. Well, buckle up for the ride. I hope to make it memorable.
And at least consider tossing me a tip, eh? ;)

It's About Saving Yourself: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11

Kaiju Slaying For Death And Profit: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9

He Who Fights Demons Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3
Santo's Workshop

He Who Fights Demons Ch 3

Posted for $5, $10 tiers
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Santo's Workshop

He Who Fights Demons Ch 2

Posted for $2, $5, $10 tiers
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Santo's Workshop

He Who Fights Demons Ch 1

Posted for $1, $2, $5, $10 tiers
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Santo's Workshop

It's About Saving Yourself Ch 11

Posted for $10 tier
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Santo's Workshop
Public post

Writing Update 17/07/2024

Heyo. Sorry for being late on the writing update. The weekend and the week so far were both rough.

The next chapter of Saving Yourself is currently sitting at just under 900 words, so it's a bit behind schedule. But I'mma do my outmost to get that written up for ya'll. That said, I do feel the need to inform you guys. I'll be traveling out of the state next week. I'll be leaving Wednesday evening, and not coming back until late Saturday. So chances are I won't be able to post something next weekend.

I'll give it the good old college try. But I cannot make a guarantee. I will absolutely do my best to hold myself to at the very least a bi-weekly schedule. But if I can continue my unbroken weekly streak, I will. That effort is the least you lot deserve.

On an entirely unrelated note. My dog almost died today.

She snapped up the seed of a Sago Palm. These things (pic below).

They're pretty ubiquitous where I live, mainly because they can easily survive hot weather, and require extremely little care.

Only problem being, literally every single part of this plant is toxic to dogs. The seeds especially.

If your dog ingests this thing, you literally need to take them to the emergency veterinarian and hope they pump their stomach in time, otherwise their chance of survival is pretty damn abysmal.

My dog is, thankfully, okay. We noticed she snapped something up, and got it out of her mouth seconds after she put it in there, so she had no chance to chew or swallow. But if we hadn't noticed? Chances would be that the vet would have been able to pour her liver out during the autopsy.

If you have a dog and live anywhere near these plants. Keep your dogs away from them. It will save you heartache.

I'll take no more of ya'll's time.

Stay safe out there.
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Santo's Workshop

Kaiju Slaying For Death and Profit Ch 9

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