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Welcome to my page, where I'll hope to catch the eye of people with excess money and very low expectations. Seriously low! Do you know how few stories I actually finish?! I may also extort story ideas and twists from anyone that stops by.
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Random Scribblings
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Aegis 12
Yes, another chapter of Aegis has been posted! Read, Review, Track down that squeaking noise that has been coming from the basement. 
Typing by: Abyssal Angel
Beta by: Abyssal Angel, Mist of Shadows, and Kyrin Fireheart
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Random Scribblings
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Aegis 11
And another one bites the dust! Had to trash a quarter of the chapter and rewrite it as reading about touristy things is very, very dull. Also its been a while since I lived in San Francisco and I had to remember how weird and wonderful it was back in the late 80's.
Typing by: Abyssal Angel
Beta by: Abyssal Angel, Mist of Shadows, and Kyrin Fireheart
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Random Scribblings
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Aegis 10
Yes another chapter has been written and posted! Hopefully this covers all the questions people had about the last chapter. Read, Review, and Remove that cursed doll you bough on ebay from your teen's room, nobody but you finds that at all funny.

Typing by: Abyssal Angel
Beta by: Abyssal Angel, Mist of Shadows, and Kyrin Fireheart
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Random Scribblings
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Aegis 9
I wasn't about to make everyone wait forever on a cliffhanger, that just happened to be a good end point for the chapter since it was obvious the fight and its aftermath was going to be a chapter all on its own. Anyway.... Here is chapter 9! I uploaded it to FF.net, using the mobile app as the site seems to be having problems so the link I'm providing won't actually work on a desktop until they fix that.
Typing by: Abyssal Angel
Beta by: Abyssal Angel, Mist of Shadows, and Kyrin Fireheart
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Random Scribblings
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Aegis 8
Yes, chapter 8 of Aegis has been posted! I actually expected the entire Jump City arc to take a single chapter... Apparently I underestimated what all I had planned and no way can it all fit in a single chapter.

Typing by: Abyssal Angel
Beta by: Abyssal Angel, Mist of Shadows, and Kyrin Fireheart
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Random Scribblings
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Foxy Lady 16
I've updated Foxy Lady. Read, Review, Remember to always to keep your hands loose while lighting fireworks! Happy 4th of July!
Typing by: Abyssal Angel
Beta by: Abyssal Angel, Mist of Shadows, and Kyrin Fireheart
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