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Geopolitics & Empire
Geopolitics & Empire
The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast conducts interviews with high-profile guests on geopolitics and international affairs seeking to gain insight from experts on both the left and the right as to the true nature of current events.

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Geopolitics & Empire
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Gilbert Doctorow discusses how the U.S. and Russia are testing each other’s red lines in a bid to avoid Doomsday. Russia felt existentially threatened and thus needed to push back U.S. and NATO presence in Ukraine. The war is also existential for the U.S. Both sides seek to prolong the war. The most depressing thing is that everything Gilbert disliked about the Soviet Union has now moved to the United States.
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Geopolitics & Empire
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Geopolitical consultant and professor Ralph Schoellhammer breaks down globalism and how elite policies are colliding with reality. He argues that the intellectual class are full of themselves, don’t get the recognition they think they deserve, and they lack an existential struggle due to their extreme wealth. And so they are turning against their own civilization. He sees great reductions in living standards but famines in Europe unlikely. The complacent and spiritually emptied working class is the bigger problem. We have taken a sledgehammer to the cultural underpinnings of our civilization. He doesn’t think politicians like Meloni will change anything. The elites are humorless and we need to point out their insanity.
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Geopolitics & Empire
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Bob Moriarty discusses Ukraine losing the war and how someone in the military might assassinate Zelensky. WEF is desperate, losing, and will fail. In his 2016 book “Art of Peace” he predicted a collapse of the banking system and the world’s first worldwide revolution which he believes is now just starting. We’re going to have some of the most significant and rapid changes in world history in the upcoming months. The United States is falling into the same trap as the Roman Empire. He discusses strategic relocation and why he ended up in Europe.
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Geopolitics & Empire
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NEW PODCAST! 🎙📡🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦

Gonzalo Lira discusses the collapse of American power and how Washington has decided to pull down the rest of the world instead of accepting a graceful decline. The Russians have the upper-hand in Ukraine and will win the war. The U.S. now wants to pivot to war with Iran and eventually China. If the U.S. feels it is losing, in its hubris and pride it may seek to use nuclear weapons. The European project is over, Europe is dead. He comments on the Western world’s fall into totalitarianism and turn toward the use of population control systems such as social credit and digital currency. The best places to escape to are countries that are poor, backward, and low-tech with lots of food.
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