Arc Vision Rock Reactions profile
Arc Vision Rock Reactions
Arc Vision Rock Reactions
Arc Vision Media is creating in depth reactions.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Tier 1 - Join The Supporter Squad!

THANK YOU! I appreciate you keeping this channel alive. For the price of a coffee at Starbucks you will receive:

1) Monthly LIVESTREAM (Q&A)!

2) All blocked YouTube videos!

Discord Link |

0 subscribers Supporter Squad
per month
Tier 2 - Exclusive Album Reactions

For the price of a large pizza you will receive:


2) Place a song request in the weekly song request raffle!*

3) VOTING POLLS to choose what artists & albums we feature on the channel!

4) The choice to join the team as a Discord Moderator!

5) Podcast Questions: I will ask my guests YOUR questions on the podcast!

*If you want GUARANTEED SONG REQUESTS join the TIER 5 below!

0 subscribers Supporter Squad ; Tier 2
per month
Tier 3 - Help Support The Channel!

In addition to all previous perks you will receive:

1) Lend your support to my vision of creating my own convention and being able to meet all of you in person!

0 subscribers Supporter Squad ; Tier 2
per month
Tier 4 - Song Suggestions!

For the price of an extra large pizza combo you will receive (in addition to all previous perks):

1) Turnback Tuesday & Throwback Thursday Song Recording: Choose what songs we react to on these days!

2) Your song request get's FIRST PRIORITY in the weekly song request raffle.

3) Shout Out in the description of every video!

0 subscribers Supporter Squad ; Tier 2 ; Tier 4
per month
Tier 5 - Song & Album Requests!

This Tier Is Done Via PAYPAL:

For the price of 4 extra large pizza combos, in addition to all previous perks, you will receive:

1) You can choose one video (up to 10 minutes in length) for me to react to!*

2) Request albums for our album of the month!

*These videos won’t always end up on Youtube due to copyright and popularity. For these reasons they would be Patreon exclusives!

0 subscribers Supporter Squad ; Tier 2 ; Tier 4 ; Tier 5


  • Full Album Reactions!
  • Song Requests and Album Requests!
  • Exclusive Livestreams!
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