Three Rivers Forge profile
Three Rivers Forge
Three Rivers Forge
Blacksmith - forging iron in order to bring a little bit of the wonderful trade to folks everywhere!

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Thank you! Your support means the world to me and I cannot thank you enough. It's because of great folks like you that I can experiment with new ideas, create new content, and keep the iron moving here at Three Rivers Forge!

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Firstly, you get my undying appreciation for your faith in me. Your support will help keep the iron moving here at Three Rivers Forge, making it possible to try new things and create new content.

Secondly, you can look forward to priority access to everything that happens here. Any posts I make are scheduled so that the higher tiers get them first. Discounts on merchandise, new videos and articles... everything is opened up to the highest tier members first.

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Master Smith

Like the previous tiers, you'll receive my undying appreciation for your support and priority access to all new content before it is opened up to the lower tiers.

To add to the bounty, you'll also receive a Three Rivers Forge t-shirt for your one-year anniversary as a token of my appreciation.

As the team grows, more benefits will be added.

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Three Rivers Forge

For Sale -- One Genuine Dragon's Fang.

Did you really think that it was knights in shining armor that laid low all those pesky dragons?

No, my friends, that's just more fake news. Blacksmiths have been the go-to guy for all manner of monster eradication needs since time began! Unfortunately, those damnable knights had the money to burn and the minstrels sure weren't going to bite the hand that feeds them.

Fake News isn't new!

If you think about it logically, why would you ride off to the nearest castle and hope there was a knight handy.... when your village undoubtedly had a blacksmith. Aren't blacksmiths already a grouchy and curmudgeonly lot? Aren't we already used to dealing with irate animals, shodding horses and oxen from sun up to sun down? Dragon's fire? Ha! Try standing in front of the forge all day long!

No, my friends, don't believe the lies. If you have a dragon bothering your herds, eating up all your young lasses, call on the blacksmith. If you wait for some hoity-toity in a shiny tin suit to come riding to your rescue... you're gonna be waiting a long time!

This Fang is a trophy from my latest hunt. Though I'm prohibited from saying where it was, protecting anonymity and all that (I'm sure you understand), I can tell you it was a whopper of a beast. Fully 40 feet from tip to tail, and it smelled truly awful!

While I don't make these trophies available often, this being only the fifth in existence, sometimes needs must.

As you can see in the pictures, even bringing the Fang to a red heat isn't enough to get off all the burnt on Knight and Gnome. Dragons are notoriously bad about dental hygiene, as you might imagine, but I do my best to make them presentable. At the very least, you won't have to worry about the incredible stink these things usually have.

If you're a dragon aficionado or know someone who is, this is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. While there are a lot of fakes out there, carved from wood or plastic, this is the Genuine Article. Promise!

Yours for $250 delivered anywhere in the continental US! 

I'm happy to do an international transaction, but we'd have to look into the shipping costs on that as they can be almost as incredible as a real honest-to-goodness Dragon's Fang!

A treasure you can pass down through the generations.

If you're interested, send me a PM and we'll work out the details. Paypal is open and waiting!

Thank you for your time!
Isn't that just gorgeous!
For scale, my pudgy fingers!
Is that a cavity? Maybe the hole for a nerve or blood vessel?
Even a red heat isn't enough to clean off all the Gnome and Knight!


  • When you subscribe, you are very much joining the team. Support from folks like you is what makes this whole adventure possible.
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Three Rivers Forge

The Beginnings of a Scythe!

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Three Rivers Forge

Carving Letters in Steel

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Three Rivers Forge
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Solidarity is very important.  As we support each other, we strengthen each other.  Iron sharpens iron, right?

Okay, so I noticed that there are now 70 shares.  That was sitting at 68 just a few days ago.

I have no idea what that means, but I like seeing that number move in an upwards trajectory!

So here's an idea -- when we hit 10 Subscribers, I'll use one of those random generator things to pick one lucky winner and send them some a nice bit of forged iron fresh off the anvil here at Three Rivers Forge.

Maybe a marlin spike since they're so handy around the house.  Maybe a bottle opener so you can pop a top in style.  Could be some hooks on which to hang your hat.  I haven't thought that far ahead, honestly, because it seems like ten is such a high number to reach for.  Dum Spiro Spero.

Can we get it to 20?  50?  I dare not hope, but I've put the word out.  
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Three Rivers Forge

Carving Letters in Steel.

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Three Rivers Forge

Carving Letters in Steel

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The drill press is probably one of the most useful tools to have in the shop, and one that I use more than I would ever have imagined! To make it an even more versatile tool for the shop, when we reach this goal, we will add the excellent table made by Fireball Tools, or by shop for a vintage drill press that has better features, including a larger table. The addition of a larger table would allow for fixturing, the placement of jigs and fences, as well as supporting larger pieces. The drill press extension table sold by Fireball Tools is designed with the small shop in mind. Of course, if you're following along here at Three Rivers Forge, I'm sure you have the same passion for old tools that I do. Adding something like a Walker Turner radial arm drill press to the shop would be an amazing step forward. I can't say if one will be available at the time, or if it'll be available at a price I can afford, but I will certainly consider it an option. Small bricks build big walls, and little additions to the shop can make a tremendous difference in speed, efficiency, and design capabilities, as well as the overall ambience. Thank you for seeing the potential. Thank you for joining the team!

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