Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up profile
Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
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Stormkeeper at Geeked Up & Played Up
Public post

Okay, so just a quick update...

Just to say that I'm still about, and I'm starting to get the ball rolling again! I'm going to write a mega post (with splits) explaining what my plans are for my Stormhaven Media sub-brands (Stormkeeper), as well as everything going on with it as a whole, because it all will factor into my plans and schedule; as I have to update multiple platforms at once, I first need to draft up a basic document to cover everything that I can copy-paste everywhere with more ease!

Additionally, I would like to say that some major stuff is happening from April, after I've sorted out my move, and have (finally) rebuilt my PC! Additionally, I need time to start up a new schedule, to work out how best to fit everything in, as well as rolling out things at a more consistent pace and such... hopefully, I'll be able to get some stuff sorted soon in that regard, so at least I've a foundation to work from!

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