MemoPad profile
Images and animations that are 2D and 3D is what you'll see here. They will be related to my graphic novel and videogame development.
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal
Water Support

Helps in acquisition of potable water. Rumor has it that consumption of potable water is essential to sustaining human life.

Real talk, this tier gives you frequent updates to the progression of works and access to finished works before general release.

This also does actually help with the acquisition of potable water, thank you!!

0 assinantes
USD mensal
Food Support

Helps in acquisition of food. Studies say that food is required to maintain vitality.

Real talk, this tier gives you access to polls in addition to what you get with the "Water Support" tier.

Polls will allow you to participate in design choices and choose which people (who have Original Characters, OCs) will get gift art drawn by me at the end of the month.

This also does actually help with food acquisition, thank you!!

0 assinantes


  • Subscribing will allow early access to newly completed works prior to general release (this is typically at the end of the month) and access to extra updates in work progression. The cost of my tiers are low because I don't want to be too expensive; however, if the cost is too low, please let me know and I will make a tier with a larger cost. Also, please let me know what you would like for a tier with a higher cost :) Thank you very much for your support!


31 dias
 Período de Confiança
0 publicação


$0.00 of $3,000
per month
With this goal, water, food, shelter, and minimum utilities can be maintained. Additionally, investment in equipment and hiring of support personnel will be possible.

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