Julie Lavender and Fear-Free Living profile
Julie Lavender and Fear-Free Living
Julie Lavender and Fear-Free Living
Paralyzing stage-fright to freedom! Empowering others through story, art music and mentoring.
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You are dipping your toe in the water and just starting to realize that Fear-Free Living is a possibility not only for others but for YOU! Thank you for helping me reach others with this powerful message! I'll send you one of my best tips and a personal encouragement.

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You've been watching my livestreams for a while now and they are really starting to sink in! You have noticed that the daily value you are receiving from Fear-Free Living is really making a difference in your life. Thanks for becoming a fan! As my gift I'm sending you my song "Mr. Fear" to inspire your freedom journey, plus behind the scenes blog posts and updates.

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You are ready to step out and get some mentoring! Subscribe at this level and you will receive a a monthly, 1 hour session group session with me. Receive personalized mentoring, en-courage-ment, and training in Fear-Free Living Skills and a gift CD from me! Take my Discovery Survey and unlock the source of root fears.

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Elite Small Group Mentoring

This level is for those folks who want to work in an intimate group setting and derive the benefit of support that others who get to know you will provide. Along with the insights and coaching you'll receive personally from me, this small, focused, once monthly group is helping you GET REAL and GET FREE! Subscribe and you'll also receive a gift CD and book from me, along with the Discovery Survey.

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One-on-One Monthly Coaching

This tier is for the Fear-Free person hiding in you who absolutely will NOT be stopped! At this level you receive an hour of one-on-one time with me per month. This session includes not only coaching and training but prophetic ministry and email access for Q and A support during the month. You get all the benefits of the other tiers of support along with my personalized investment in your path to freedom.

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