Ed's World profile
Ed's World
Ed's World
Bringing you the news and letting you decide

Subscription Tiers

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USD monthly
Globe Tier

Your Standard Tier. All Subscribers in Globe will get a monthly Group Email explaining what we hope to do each month and where your money is going. All Subscribers get a highlight in Discord and Guilded and preferential treatment during audience participation shows and streams

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USD monthly
Rail Tier

Sometimes you just want to enjoy the company of a night out without Breaking the Bank. Rail Tier is for you. All Rail Tier members enjoy the benefits of Globe Tier, plus an offer of a group Zoom Call with other rail tier members. Please send an email each month with your general availability for the month and I will attempt to schedule to accommodate

1 subscriber
USD monthly
Top Shelf Tier

The Party Scene isn't for everyone, and sometimes you just want a glass and a cigar with a friend. Top Shelf Tier members enjoy all the same benefits as both lower tiers. In addition, the offer is out every month for a private, 30 minute zoom call with me. If you enroll in this tier, please email me at the beginning of the month with your general availability and I will arrange the time

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  • Preferential Treatment for Audience participation themed shows. A monthly Thank you Letter From Myself outlining channel goals and what I hope to accomplish each month

Star Stats

1 subscriber
0 posts


to reach
the Goal
The first step is to build the new desktop, and this is the amount we need. Clearing this will allow a smoother show and fewer interruptions due to connection issues

Other stars


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