Dark House Rules profile
Dark House Rules
Dark House Rules
We are a dice and paper role playing game design studio, who specializes in adventures, and accessories for your game. We also do commission art, both for personal and commercial use

Subscription Tiers

per month

At the $2.00 level, you will gain access to our art gallery. It features art from our many projects. New pieces will be added monthly.

2 subscribers
per month

At the Archer, $5. level you gain access to all the perks of the lower level, plus original maps from the projects we have been working on. There will be new maps added every month.

0 subscribers
per month

At the $10.00, Sowrdsmen, level you receive everything in the lower levels plus original monsters and magic Items. New monsters and magic items will be added each month.

0 subscribers
per month
War Priest

At this the, $20.00 level, you will receive all the benefits from the lower levels, plus fully fleshed out original NPCs. New NPCs will be released every month.

0 subscribers
per month

At this the $50 level you'll gain access to a library of original adventures or accessories, available nowhere else. New material will be added every month.

0 subscribers


  • At each level you will gain new perks updated monthly! At the $2 level, Fantasy Art. $5 level Maps, both battle maps, and larger scale maps. $10 level new monsters and magic Items. $20 Level, fully fleshed out NPCs. Finally at the $50 level you will have access to new adventures and accessories. All levels will be updated monthly, enjoy and have an awesome adventure.
Displaying posts with tag BattleMap.Reset Filter
Dark House Rules

Salt Flat Battle Map!

+ 1 attachment
Posted for $5, $10, $20, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Dark House Rules

Scrub Plains Battle Map!

+ 1 attachment
Posted for $5, $10, $20, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Dark House Rules

Sandy Wastes Battle Map!

+ 1 attachment
Posted for $5, $10, $20, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Dark House Rules

Here's a new battle map for stony barrens. There's a base map and terrain features that can be pl...

+ 1 attachment
Posted for $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Dark House Rules

Here's a new battle map for rocky badlands. There's a base map and terrain features that can be p...

+ 5 other attachments
Posted for $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.

Star Stats

2 subscribers
103 posts


$3 of $200
per month
When I reach this goal, I'll be able to hire an editor. this will speed up the production process.
$3 of $500
per month
every month that I hit this goal I'll be able to buy a Logatec Brio camera and mic for my group. We plan to start a D&D game stream on Twitch, and we will need 3 cameras and up to 6 mics. once those purchases have been made, I will buy better video and audio editing software.

Other stars

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