Auxoro  profile
Auxoro (@auxoro) brings you face to face with music artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, doctors, designers and other interesting humans in a podcast that dives into the story beyond the surface. Help support our podcast and blog so that we can continue to curate interesting, thought-provoking conversations. We are grateful for anything that you can provide.
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Subscription Tiers

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The Auxers

This is simply a small donation to express support for my work and its continued survival.

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The Auxorians

The knowledge that you are supporting my work and access to subscriber only content.

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The Auxonites

Access to subscriber only content and an Auxoro Tee shipped directly to you.

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The Auxorhoes ;)

Access to subscriber only content, an Auxoro Tee, and an Auxoro Hoodie shipped directly to you, and your name listed as part of 'The Aux Squad' in the podcast description.

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per month
The Mount Auxmores

Access to subscriber-only content, an Auxoro Tee, Auxoro Hoodie and a letter of appreciation sent directly to you, your name listed as part of 'The Aux Squad' in the podcast description, and a 30 min podcast recorded personally for you addressing any topic or question you'd like.

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per month
The Aux Daddys

Access to subscriber-only content, an Auxoro Tee, Auxoro Hoodie and a letter of appreciation sent directly to you, your name listed as part of 'The Aux Squad' in the podcast description, and a 60 min podcast recorded personally for you addressing any topic or question you'd like.

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per month
The Aux Gods

Access to all of the above rewards plus a monthly 60 min one-on-one skype video chat with yours truly, and a producer credit on the podcast.

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  • Access to subscriber-only content and knowledge that you are supporting the survival of my work.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Star's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Star by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Star directly via Instant Messenger.
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