Rizmy's busker bin profile
Rizmy's busker bin
Rizmy's busker bin
I make comics and artworks, but would love to do animations, and films full time.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Supporter Tier

Join to get full access to the contents. You get to see concept work and comics as soon as it comes out rather than months later.

0 subscribers
per month
Only if you're generous

There's really nothing to add, I'll put your name on the credits of my upcoming high committment works I guess.

Limited (0 out of 10) subscriptions
per month

Trustees would be people I'd be comfortable sharing work in progress stuff such as scripts and future plans with. This tier is only open to those who are committed to giving feedback and criticism (the criticism part is why it's at $50). Your name will be put on my high profile works in BOLD LETTERS (if that means anything), though this doesn't make you a producer, I get the final say on my posts in the end.

Limited (0 out of 5) subscriptions


  • first access to concept artworks and comic releases.

Star Stats

20 days
 Trust Period
1 post


$0.00 of $500
per month
A subscription income of $500 per month would be enough for me to start sustaining myself. It means I could finally pay taxes and start a company of my own. I dont know what I'm gonna do once I reach this goal yet, but I'll be forever grateful if I could reach it.

Other stars

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