Zenithell profile
Creating comics, paintings, personal art and characters, anthros, and commissions.

Планы подписки

Eland's Followers

Join for free to receive email notifications about new posts submitted to paid tiers, as well as access to the stuff I post for general followers! Generally, any updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays are for everyone.

1 подписчик
в месяц

Credited in the description of my speedpaints. (Optional. You may remain anonymous if you want. Just DM me to let me know.)

Access to WIPs in multiple stages.

Patron-only community.

Tutorials on how I do things. Just ask what you'd like to learn!

Sneak-peak previews of upcoming adoptables.

Sneak-peak previews of upcoming YCHs.

0 подписчиков
в месяц

5% commission discount.

Access to WIPs in multiple stages.

Access to certain artworks early.

Credited in the description of my speedpaints. (Optional. You may remain anonymous if you want. Just DM me to let me know.)

Patron-only community.

Tutorials on how I do things. Just ask what you'd like to learn!

Sneak-peak previews of upcoming YCHs.

Sneak-peak previews of upcoming adoptables.

0 подписчиков
в месяц

10% commission discount.

5% YCH discount.

Access to WIPs in multiple stages.

Access to certain artworks a week early.

Credited in the description of my speedpaints. (Optional. You may remain anonymous if you want. Just DM me to let me know.)

Early-access to commissions opening.

Patreon-exclusive art and sketches.

Tutorials on how I do things. Just ask what you'd like to learn!

Patron-only community.

Sneak-peak previews of upcoming YCHs.

Sneak-peak previews of upcoming adoptables.

0 подписчиков
в месяц

15% commission discount.

10% YCH discount.

5% discount on auto-buying adoptables.

Access to WIPs in multiple stages.

Access to certain artworks a week early.

Credited in the description of my speedpaints. (Optional. You may remain anonymous if you want. Just DM me to let me know.)

Early-access bidding/purchases of YCHs.

Early-access bidding/purchases of adoptables.

Early-access to commissions opening.

Patreon-exclusive art and sketches.

Patron-only community.

Tutorials on how I do things. Just ask what you'd like to learn!

Voting on future pieces.

1 подписчик
в месяц

20% commission discount.

15% discount on auto-buying adoptables.

10% YCH discount.

Access to WIPs in multiple stages.

Access to certain artworks a week early.

Credited in the description of my speedpaints. (Optional. You may remain anonymous if you want. Just DM me to let me know.)

Early-access bidding/purchases of YCHs.

Early-access bidding/purchases of adoptables.

Early-access to commissions opening.

A simple, sketchy flat color head shot a month. ($15 value) (You pick the expression) (Can also have me add shading the next month)

Patreon-exclusive art and sketches.

Patron-only community.

Tutorials on how I do things. Just ask what you'd like to learn!

Лимитировано (0 из 10) подписчиков
в месяц
Lesser Kudu

30% commission discount.

20% discount on auto-buying adoptables.

15% YCH discount.

Access to WIPs in multiple stages.

Access to most of my art a week early. (Starting August 2022)

Tutorials on how I do things. Just ask what you'd like to learn!

Credited at the end of my speedpaints. (Optional. You may remain anonymous if you want. Just DM me to let me know.)

Early-access bidding/purchases of YCHs.

Early-access bidding/purchases of adoptables.

Early-access to commissions opening.

A shaded head shot a month. ($30 value) (You pick the expression)

One SAI/PSD file from an art piece a month.

Patreon-exclusive art and sketches.

Patron-only community.

Voting on future pieces.

Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков
в месяц
Greater Kudu

45% commission discount.

25% discount on auto-buying adoptables.

20% YCH discount.

Access to WIPs in multiple stages.

Access to certain artworks a week early.

Tutorials on how I do things. Just ask what you'd like to learn!

Credited in the description of my speedpaints. (Optional. You may remain anonymous if you want. Just DM me to let me know.)

First-access bidding/purchases of YCHs.

First-access bidding/purchases of adoptables.

First-access to commissions opening.

Two SAI/PSD files from an art piece a month.

One piece of art, every month. ($25-$50 value) (monthly prompt).

Patreon-exclusive art and sketches.

Patron-only community.

Voting on future pieces.

Лимитировано (0 из 5) подписчиков

Добро пожаловать!

  • Access to works-in-progress, art before the general public sees it, brushes, extras, and more!
  • On the higher tiers - art for yourself!
  • Supporter-only community.

Displaying posts with tag Sketches.Reset Filter

Sketches I've done lately that were not released publicly.

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом FREE, $1, $2, $5, $10, $25, $50, $75 .s
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[2024] Sketches, more sketchesFor AberrantLynx and Asterion.

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $1, $2, $5, $10, $25, $50, $75 .s
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Публичный пост
I am doing a few free sketches over on my Twitter, and this was one of them!
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Публичный пост
Some Christmas sketches I did! The anthro dolphin was the most, er, challenging, but I am still happy with it!
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2 подписчика
86 постов


$9 of $25
per month
Every time I reach a goal, it helps me produce more art by keeping me from having to work more overtime, therefore giving me more time for art! Every single piece of support helps me, and I thank you all for supporting me!

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  • Поддерживать автора контента материально - единоразово или на регулярной основе.
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